[PART 1] Official BLF GT Group Buy thread. Group buy officially closed! Lights shipping.

add me to 2 more, 3 in total

Please put down twoleftfeet for one. Thanks

I would like to be put on the list and thanks for reaching out to r/flashlight/ .

Yes, story time please :partying_face:


I’d like to be added to the list. Thank you.

This is probably not the place for that story. Forum rivalry is often considered as inflammatory a topic as politics or religion, and this thread is about the giga thrower.

I can’t wait to see some tn-42 vs Gigga thrower beamshots

I put on my suite of armor and posted the review on CPF, kinda curious what the response is myself:


Have bookmarked it. Let’s see what happens :wink:

I am sure Greta would love it. :smiley:

Please add me to the list, thanks!

Looklike it’s not as bad as we thought
Btw: why black flat Led will give you higher throw?, is it because of die size, or because its black?

The surface brightness of the black flat can be higher than the surface brightness of the xhp35 hi and that results in further throw.

Welcome to BLF
Will do later, resting a bit from sending the Q8 PMs :slight_smile:

Please add me to the list. I would like to be in for one GT Giga Thrower.

As an aside, Thanks to The Miller for the BLF Q8 email this morning, Just purchased.

Hi, I’d like to be added to the list - if it possible;) Thank you.

You even wrote “giggles” in comic sans :smiley: :smiley:

Which mcpcb you recommend to use with XHP70.2 in that light?

so uh , any timeline on when we have to pay the full price , because i will be enlisting in the army for my national service soon(a month) and probably wont be able to access the forum regularly.