[PART 1] Official BLF GT Group Buy thread. Group buy officially closed! Lights shipping.

Or second thoughts after seeing VoB video :smiley:

That video sold me, and I thought I knew what to expect

Correct me if i’m wrong but people with low numbers paying up now getting it for $111 and if they are is that not kicking people out of the 555 that have paid and think they are getting it for $111?

Yes and as said, do not expect any news during the holidays.
The down payment is not ideal so I am looking into better ways.
People just need to accept some uncertainty (or well a lot:
Date of completion
How remaining payment is to be made
How the down payment for the $150 is going to be made)
All unclear and asking for clarification does not change that soon.
Just being on the list means getting a PM with clarification when it is time :wink:

Sigh, we have not send the max out, we did leave a buffer just for these cases.

Will we be able to buy 2 lights at a time when the first group of folks who have already made their downpayment get to make the remaining payment to make their purchase or will we only be allowed to purchase 1. Just wondering if I would like to get a second light, will I need to get back on the list


OK again
The down payment is not ideal so I am looking into better ways.
People just need to accept some uncertainty (or well a lot:
Date of completion
How remaining payment is to be made
How the down payment for the $150 is going to be made)
All unclear
Just being on the list means getting a PM with clarification when when it is time :wink:

And to make it more clear, there is no limit on the $150 GTs FOR NOW THIS MAYBE MIGHT COULD CHANGE IDK.
So yes if you ask to be put on the list you:
1 Will be added to the list next time I update it (this can be in a few days, ask again and I (working down all the posts between last update to the MARK post) just copy paste, meaning if somebody asks twice in that time that name will appear twice.)
2 Get A PM at SOME point with details. Whether it is 1 or 10 GTs you als for.

If you have not yet received a PM for the down payment of the $111 GT just consider the GT a $150 light, still a good deal IMHO.
All new entries, $150

Things will be made clear when they are clear.
It is holiday now so NO NEWS till a few days after that ends.
Relax, and if you are bored, read the topic, tip, try search within thread for specific things :wink:

Im a
beginner geek
i guess compared to
some of you guys…hahha
To my friends, they think, i think,
i know everything…If they met the people
i learn from,oh lord hahah

I want
this light just
to beat my acebeam k70
Then ill play side by side with
my tiny monster from nitecore 16
Then ill
probably sell
all my thrunites
and zebralights for acebeam
ec50 or ec60s and maybe some fenix pd35s…
I like
the idea of
the right lumen time
settings to last
the times i need for emergency…
But i really like the idea of blinding a
bear or coyote if the slim
comes my way…
I just got an imaxb6 ver1 mini…
and i dont like it for my 18650s…
it doesnt seem accurate.
So i just
ordered 2 opus 3400
I have couple of mini boards to
charge 18650 from ebay.
Im home bored
and have time to continue geekiness…Just ordered
bench power
supply just because i
want flexibility…hahahah
Im playing now with secur crank
light to send family in puerto rico who
really need light…
i even
ordered 2 100
watt solar panels
to practice making solar
generator…im learning as i go…
i try not to ask questions
and just read and read and read and then ask…
hope im not breaking rules…just thought id share why im here…
The channel that led me here has me open thinking of mag light modding
to really make friends think im einstein…

I would like one, please add me to the list on the group buy for the GT. Thanks a lot! :blush:

Please add me to the list.

Welcome to BLF!
Will update the list a later moment

Sorry, this was too hard to read, if you posted to be added to he list, please say so :slight_smile:

Is this the PAID/YES/GOOD TO GO list for $111 correct? I’m 99% sure and paid my 14.96 long ago (September 06) so just wanted to make sure that everything is A-OK at this point and I am currently PATIENTLY waiting for any more news on dates, official specs, and when to make the rest of the payment.

Oh brother, I had a feeling this MIGHT be coming! Here we go again…another (possible) limit and the BLF members that signed up for more than one IN the Beginning get shoved to the bottom of the list, again.

Just being honest about it, right!

Indeed, that is what I want to know also.

Miller please add me for a third one (3 total), thanks

Glad you could join us :slight_smile:



Looks like were gaining some traction there too. Even non flashaholics should be able to understand the awesomeness of this light!

Perhaps when Neal gets back from holiday he could create a sale on his website? All it would need say is “down payment” for BLF GT. He could probly even create a private link for it. People could easily just checkout.

I figured it would be good. But unlike Tom even, I had no idea what to expect past “good”… ???
I mean the beam shots and all have been great……
……… But when I saw that video, I was speechless………. :open_mouth::wink: … :+1:

Here’s my bank account XX.X>X>X and credit card XX>X>X #’s. Send as many as you can.

Seriously thank you to the creators for taking on this project. I have previously put my name on “the list” and will await the forthcoming PM with further instruction on payment etc.

Please add me to the gigathrower list. That light is incredible.

Are we supposed to rap this? :open_mouth: