[PART 1] Official BLF GT Group Buy thread. Group buy officially closed! Lights shipping.

Just my idea with humility to the GT team:
Certifications on the tailcap
On the tube:

Lumintop GT
by(small font) Lumintop[/top]

Perfect, in your humility :slight_smile: . BLF GT by Lumintop. :+1:

Serial number would be much appreciated!
Especially for us who is among the first 500! :wink:

Please change my order from (2) units to only ONE unit. Thank you so much Tom and Texas Ace and Lumintop!

Excuse my superb :person_facepalming: paint skills. I kind of like the lumintop logo. I don’t think something like this would look half bad? But you know, non scuff paint edition :innocent:

Edit: It’s obviously based off the Q8 logo.

I don’t actually have a preference on the logo except to agree with RobertB - don’t pull an Armytek and plaster useless crap all over the thing, but I did want to say that you definitely don’t need a logo to recognize the light. People pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for lights with no branding all the time. Makers like Okluma or McGizmo or Sigma are all marking-free, among others. Some Zebralights even come unbranded. But folks still know what these lights are when they see them. I mean its not like anyone is going to confuse the GT with a C8…. :slight_smile:

That will work! Maybe a little color in that logo!

Please add me to the list.



I think saying BLF GT or just GT somewhere in a not-too-gaudy way would be pretty good, but please don’t plaster GIGGLES on it in giant font like one of the prototypes.

I mean…I’d still buy it. But please don’t.

Yeah I’m mostly a casual participant on r/flashlight (reddit). Just doing a drive-by here to snag a GT to go with my Q8…and my broken 348 :frowning:

Is it just me, or could this thrower be in the running for the best selling LED torch ever? :sunglasses:

Gits and Shiggles on the tube (no offense to UK members)? :sunglasses:

I’m going to swap my Samsung 30Qs back and forth between my TK-75 and the GT, when it arrives. Two lights, one battery bundle solution. Life is good.

I vote for Giggles in comic sans, just like the prototype.

Here is an idea with some GT car style fonts I made really quick with paint. It needs re-done when I get home and have access to Photoshop

i like turtles

I like the layout, especially LT’s bunny on this big thing!

Just you.

I completely agree.

"Giggles" is VERY annoying.. and SOUNDS LIKE A TOY, same happens with a "Cartoon" logo!

They do NOT reflect the spirit and VERY HARD WORK of the BLF Team on Design & Engineering...

Short acronyms are MUCH BETTER, and "Professional looking".

BLF GT (my preferred)

BLF GT by Lumintop / Lumintop BLF GT (if Lumintop must show)

or something short on the Tube

Stylish and Professional looking for a VERY HIGH quality Engineering, Design & Manufactured TOOL.

Another crude paint job :smiley:

:+1: I like their logo, this isn’t bad either. I wish I could remember what the old suggested logos look liked. I don’t think I was a member of the forum at the time, but I sure was a lurker.