Tom knows about the switch light on off “feature”. I’ve done it many times on the Q8. When your ramping up from on or anywhere hold the switch from the ramping then quickly click it off. That should change the standby switch light from off to on or vice versa. The software on the GT is different and I played with that setting not my GT, just the Q8. Hope that helps.
Mine arrived in Sydney Australia yesterday, 1 day before the DHL estimate, ~3 weeks after payment.
What an amazing flashlight, it is great to see we can still make such high quality items at decent prices.
I could now use a cradle to mount it in a vehicle, also perhaps a snap-on cover to spread the light as an option; simply some accessory ideas from a happy customer - thanks to all who made it happen.
@DB Custom and lawallac
thanks, but no result. Switch cover is definitely not opaque, I unscrewed it.
It must be lighted, at least after successfull factory reset.
I think a lot people were freaking out about shipping times because it seems many could not track their package and unknown to them if it even shipped yet. Many became upset that others were receiving theirs before them etc…especially those who had a better spot on the list. In the end we will all get our lights so just continue to be patient and lets not continue to make a big deal over this.
Let them do the proper QC checks without rushing them.
I think I speak for many when I say quality first.
Hey T/A get a hold of Lumintop and tell them don’t throw any reflectors out that look like they have a Light OP finish on them, there is a small market for them, I’ll take 2!
Yikes! Intriguing for sure, but, IMO, a very bad idea. I don’t have mine yet, but once the list gets say 60% filled, then what happens? Is it going to get even MORE people saying, “Hey, where’s mine…?”
Plus, it’s one more thing for the team to have to manage.
I think we’re taxing their sanity enough the way it is.