[PART 1] Official BLF GT Group Buy thread. Group buy officially closed! Lights shipping.

Asking may be pushing it though that’s just an outsider guess. Haven’t recoil throwers always had problems with heat dissipation that’s held them from the top spots? I recall hearing that argument a few times and all the recoil designs I see are under-driven for that reason as far as I know. Maybe the XHP35 falls into a possible exception since it will be under 3A? Seems doubtful though. That said I’d be interested to hear more. The conversation here has gotten beyond my level of knowledge. This thread has sparked a lot of excellent discussion and debate on design theory. Some people have even gotten worked up a bit here and there. :wink:

That’s a lot of work to end up drawing a parabola, isn’t it?
I mean, it’s a parabola…

I thought it was a reflector manufacturer, so they manufacture reflectors, apparently any size you wish and small numbers too.

But now we have heat pipes.

I think it’ll work just fine.
Here’s a topic on it:

The problem is finding a good reflector, but this gave me hope.
Maybe for a DIY kit?

I appreciate that you see me as one of the designers :smiley: . I don’st see me really as a designer at this point.
What I mean is that everything I’ve made is based on either 5ar his design’s or jerommel his design’s. Yes I did put some of my thought in it but still I didn’t make an entire light from scratch as jerommel did.

However, I might still do that! In fact, I will start right now. :smiley:

Yes it is a parabola, but what kind of parabola. The head diameter we know and bottum diameter I think also. But what exact curve line between top and bottum. What is the exact hight.It can have a lot of parabolic shapes.

Does anyone have a link to, or know who makes; these reflectors?
What kind of light are they used in??

The head diameter is already chosen, so the bottom diameter where the LED goes will depend on the height.

Adjust the width and height, the value d is the bottom hole diameter.

Very nice made

Some TN42 measurements

I assume only Dutch people know the saying “to step over ones shadow”
It means something like “make own lpreferences less important then those of the group”

Several times I did this, we had a serious discussion about shape and LED finalised by polls.
Yes I will do a poll and all designs asked to put in there will be put in there.
In any way the design 5ar is working on now, version 0,45 as it was brought forward by somebody else, I’ll ask Thijsco which one or more of his to add and I have asked Jerommel for a Q8 based design and if he makes it I will add that plus any other if he wants to
If somebody else posts a design it will he added as well.

This seems to be the way of the GT, I must say it is very exciting so far and I was really excited by previous polls
Besides I see good things come from all the input (for example the elevated position of the strap and more finning )

I really think we should just do a reflector as well since we then would basicly have a whole light is driver is done (TA is working in that with smart people now)
And that is just awesome.

Thanks :slight_smile: those will be useful!

Well, a parabolic curve…? :slight_smile:
It’s always the same shape.
But you mean the scale of it, and where it should begin.
Theoretically they start at the bottom where the walls are at a 45° angle, but in real life the may start a little later, like 44°
I think Endeman posted a link earlier to an online ‘parabolic reflector maker’ where you can simply put in the height and width.

A poll? I’m not going to reiterate what I said in post #1560
I think I’ll pull back from this thread and watch the fireworks as this will backfire. There are only 2 general designs already and look where that took us.

I hope this gets sorted one day, good things take time and no doubt I can wait for a GT, but if this thread implodes……

Yeah thanks for that link
It looks like a 2,7mm thick wall that closely follows the contour of the inside reflective side
Say 2,5mm

90mm widest reflective diameter
84mm depth

So for us:
120mm widest reflective (125 outer)
112 depth

TN42 reflector has no bottom

Could somebody do the curve on that before linked site?

Then we might just have our basic reflector design

As far as outside looks go, designers we have a general idea of dimensions for reflector
125mm width 112mm depth
This can be used in the designs.

Wauw this is such a different process from the Q8 we might just be done with a general everything and able to show it wauw!

These are the inside dimensions of the reflector, any thickness will need to be added to the outside.
focal point (where LED goes) is at 0,0
bottom hole is 30.12mm diameter

Well when TA and me started this we had a clear vision.
Yet along came a boxy design and ultimate throw with a dedomed 3V LED
Can you imagine how I felt seeing this bit being tied to my own “rules” of listening and taking everything seriously?
So after that I have even greater confidence in the wisdom of BLF and I just know the positivity here will make sure nothing implodes :wink:
I al.most wrote “you gotta have faith my friend” but faith is based on subjectiveness, single case experience or wishes. This thread alone goes beyond that.

So we have stepped into a new rollercoaster, just enjoy because so far it has been a heck of a ride :smiley:

I thought 112 was the outside dimension? That means 110 inside?

If we compare this

IM reflector

With above picture the parabolic curve doesn’t look right. The end of the IM reflector is almost straight.

I’m out.

Will simply make my own without all the drama.

Well Thijsco, the TN42 has no bottom
And upscaling its sizes gives a 112mm deep reflector

I’ve never heard that one, but it is a good one. :+1:

I am familiar with the two below, they may be more of an American thing though.

  • “Cast a shadow over (something)” - To dampen, spoil, or ruin something that was hitherto good or positive.
  • “Take the shadow for the substance” - To accept something false, deceitful, shallow, or insubstantial in place of something true, meaningful, or valuable. In today’s modern, materialistic world, it is all too easy to take the shadow for the substance.

Water does seek it’s own level though, so I’m sure this will all work out just fine when the dust settles……… :wink: