Cost a lot more? I can’t see that?
Horribly unbalanced? Maybe but who cares it would be a lot shorter.
Cosmetics and all this stuff about cooling I could care less. This light is not gonna get too hot no matter the amount of fins design. The two piece handle would actually provide a cooler section to hold onto at the tail.
A little birdy told me that the Thrunite TN42 reflector is 87mm at the top opening and 85.5mm in depth. So basically a “square” reflector if you exclude the cutout at the bottom.
It shouldn’t have to have batt. carriers though.
We could do it like a Q8 tube, with 4 screws a PCB on top that connects to the driver (which will have the plus pole in the middle i assume), and a rotating disc with the main switch in the tailcap.
Then you eliminate a whole bunch of contact points.
And you can put either 4 or 8 cells in there.
This was considered many posts back and people agreed, a single cell tube is stupid looking and ridiculously unbalanced to the point of almost unusability.
A single cell tube was never part of the plan with this light, this light is a massive hulking monster of a light.
And simpler and cheaper and less prone to contact problems.
Also with 8 cells there will be sets of 2 cells paralleled with eachother, which keep pairs equally (dis)charged.
But, the wider tube will look better with the huge head.
And the difference is about 4 mm diameter iirc, but with carriers you can not have flat cut outs on the battery tube.
For me the looks are a deal-breaker / deal-maker.
…and so is the price…
I would like to have a 26650 light with 3 in series.
I think it would look awesome and make a heck of a knocker. Still have plenty of juice while not having to worry about 8 frigging batteries. 8 batteries is a lot of batteries for something to go wrong.
I can be used with 4 batteries too.
With a 3x26650 in series you will either have a very short fat battery tube or a long thin one.
A long thin one looks silly with a 130mm wide head.
A short fat one might look good, but balance will be bad and it will be too wide to hold comfortably.
It is decided to use ‘normal’ flashlight proportions, only a lot bigger.
No, i actually proposed that pages ago, i called it “fat bastard”.
But the thing would be 72mm wide, which is why it was rejected.
I’ll look up and link the post so you can see.
I personally liked it a lot, although it was just a crude drawing, but 72mm is just too wide.
Ehm, Vol, that is a lot of input.
And a lot of it has been covered.
Yes it will be a long tube for a maximum of 8 cells with the two carriers one could use only 4 cells.
No this is not a 26650/32650 light.
This is not a negotiation at this point, it is a long tube and we strive for a setup with two carriers right now.
If you want to know all that was spoken about this, please read the thread this has been discussed for many posts.
Positions are clear, decision has been made. Sometimes decisions are to be made in order to progress in the project, this is one of those examples.