Poll: Are affiliate links on BLF ok?

For me, affiliate links don't bother me and like someone said earlier, most of us have the common sense to buy a product without the link.

For me it comes down to whether or not I trust the individual who posted the link.

Do I trust JohnnMac and _the_ ? absolutely without a shadow of a doubt, but that still doesn't mean I'm going to blindly follow a link to buy a flashlight or anything for that matter without using some common sense to do a little research of my own first.

I don't mind affiliate links, anymore than I mind that some reviewers get flashlights for free, to review.

I do believe people should be upfront about using affiliate links, or mention that they got the light free for review.

For reviews, by law (at least U.S. law) a reviewer must disclose that the product was supplied for free or that the reviewer was compensated in some way. So at least for reviews you normally see a full disclosure. Hmmm, I’m not so sure that affiliate links aren’t the same way…

EDIT: After a little bit if research, I’m pretty sure that anyone who isn’t providing full disclosure for their affiliate links is breaking U.S. law.

I actually couldn’t care less as lobg as it doesn’t become spam, ie like when wallbuys was not banned from here (not that that seems to have made a jot of difference) I tend to decide what I want to buy, then look for a good deal. if that good deal comes from an affiliate link that helps a fellow blfer, well I’m happy with that.

But if it becomes a spam fest like wallbuys and doingoutdoor used to do, well I vote for unleashing the ban hammer pronto.

Just wondering what percentage of the product price goes to the member when he/she uses aff links?

Varies, but not too much. It's either per sale, or a % of the sale amount. Usually 2%-10%.

I see, thanks.

10% doesn’t seem to bad, or 5% either.

I’m not familiar with Chinese sites, but for Amazon at least it’s something like this:

0-10 items = 4%
11-31 items = 6%
32-101 items = 6.5%

Thanks for the info.

I can see how someone can make a decent bonus or a living if a lot of people use his/her aff links.

That's how bloggers, and youtubers make their money, at least to a degree.

There’s a whole bunch of ways to monetize a blog or web site:

1. Affiliate links
2. Google Adsense or other banner ad programs
3. Paid ad banner slots direct from sellers (like this site does)
4. Merchandise like e-books, t-shirts
5. Donations
6. Review samples
7. Other products like software or apps

…and more. Most bloggers don’t see much revenue. If you’re doing it for the money, in my opinion you’re doing it wrong.


Deja vu.

Integrity’/honesty is the key here.
If upfront and not trying to shove it down my throat as the next best thing since the sun was invented, I may pay credence to what you’re sharing, otherwise “ignore”.

Here’s something just to switch it round a bit, but if someone posts a deal that saves you money and you make use of it, is it not rude to not use the affiliate link :quest:

I’m curious about how many dollars saved it takes to justify the lapse of integrity, because that is apparently the value you are placing on your integrity.

Thanks, I knew I had seen something like that in the past. But I was not able to find it when I searched for affiliate links.. Several useful posts and info there.

No, they could have posted the deal without the affiliate part. If you ask me a question and I answer it would you like me to send you a bill for for spending my valuable time on helping/consulting you? What happened with people just helping each other for free?

At the moment the poll shows close to 80% are against hidden/unannounced affiliate links (and we can only guess what the people who posts such links are voting). People who posts hidden affiliate links knows the large majority does not like it, yet they do it just for the sake of making some extra bucks. The only rude people are the ones who posts such links. I have mentioned some reasons in post 1# too that I feel people using affiliate links have no respect for..

The reasons why the forum works so well is because its very open about most things, so I understand that there is no rule against affiliate links as long as they are "useful". But its still up to the users to say what is morally right and wrong. Id say the forum would be a better place without such links, so I will not support such links by shopping through them. That is not being rude. Its standing up for good values.

It’s definitely great that this board even allows us to openly discuss subjects like this. And it’s a diverse community and people have different values, and I appreciate that this board/community doesn’t jam one set of values down everyone’s throat. So everyone acts according to their own value system, which for me means ignoring and stripping the affiliate tags for links I consider to basically be spam. And conversely it means doing whatever I can do to support the awesome members whose tireless dedication and generosity seem to know no bounds, which is 99% of the community.

I kind of relate these affiliate links much the same as I view banner ads on the side of the BLF pages, If I like the vendor or what they are selling, I Always click on the banner off the BLF page before making a purchase.
Because I know the web site gets a small amount of money for traffic sent to their advertisers, this is my small way of saying thanks.

If someone comes here and shows me a good deal on a flashlight/knife/electronic equipment, etc. that I am interested or may be interested in, then I have no problem using their link.
It is no skin off my butt what they get in compensation.
Some of the best purchases I have made were because someone was kind enough to “Share the Love”
That is what makes this site the best.

So to all of those whom I have not sent a message of thanks, here is a wholehearted Thank You!

Really, life has too many much more important things to worry about. At least for me, Your mileage may vary.
And, for the record, I have never made an affiliate link, don’t know how to and don’t want to know.

Thanks and have a great day and an even Brighter LED night :slight_smile:

i do as long as i know the links are genuine, safe, and know what they link to.