[POLL] Are You Terrified Of Heights?

I’m not “terrified of heights.” Looking at those pictures doesn’t give me vertigo. I have climbed the outside ladders on silos before.

What I do have is a healthy fear of heights. You won’t catch me doing parkour on top of a skyscraper. That shit is stupid. I also wouldn’t walk upright to the edge of a fatal drop to look over the edge.

IMO there should be a third category for people who deal with high places but don’t have a suicidal lack of fear.

Ha I thought it was just me. I went up an elevator on this tower near my house and when I got up there the floors and walls were all glass. Probably 300 feet up. Got right back on the elevator and went down

CN Tower?

Never heard of that one. This is just a monkey a$s one in the middle of nowhere really :smiley:

That’s too difficult. Belly slide is more my skill level

Oh yeah, it’s a big one.

Wish I had a monkey-ass tower around here, though. Might be fun.

Jump plane is scary until there is enough altitude to deploy a chute.

You just need one of those flying squirrel suits. There are some crazy movies of those guys flying through canyons and stuff

Love your work

as quoted from one of my favourite stand up Steven Wright ...."A lot of people are afraid of heights. Not me, I'm afraid of widths"

From a skydiving perspective, probably not. For me at least you’re so high up that you lose the perspective that tells you that you’re up high. Falling from altitude is kind of the same, other than the wind whipping by you don’t really have a sense of falling toward the ground. It’s actually pretty peaceful.

The 9.8 m/s^2 of downward acceleration while falling doesn’t bother me nearly as much as the hundreds (thousands?) of G’s of upward acceleration at the end of the journey (:

My meat……I used….p…


Terrified? no
Healthy fear I think, but I wouldn’t do most of the stuff in the op. That’s just nuts :stuck_out_tongue:

Ha yeah I work with a lady who said she has a fear of choking to death. I was like “uh… I think everyone has that”