Possible LG Battery Deal

Found this on Slickdeals. Coupon code still works. Says it has “Premium LG cells”. Looks like 4 of them. At 13000mAh they’d either be 3250 or (more likely) 3200mAh each. At $23.99 it would be ~$6 per cell. Not a bad deal if they really are LG 3200’s. What does everyone think?

Might be those 4.35V cells, would be a good deal if I had a 4.35 charger.

Most likely 5x 2600mah, looks like a similar shape to the Xiaomi . Mentioned in this thread.

There's a partial cutout image on that listing, does look like the Xiaomi.

2150mAh each

Check the weight…

I don’t think weight matters. From what I can find in specs for LG cells, the 2200mAh weighs around 47g, the 2500mAh weighs around 48g, and the 3000mAh weighs around 48.5g. Total weight of the unit is listed as 308g with a user on Amazon saying that he weighed it at 295g. Using the 308g and assuming (6) cells, you’re left with 51.3g per cell. Using the weight of 47g for a 2200mAh cell leaves about 26g for plastic, ports, circuit boards, wiring, etc… which is probably about right. So, while the weight helps one figure out the # of cells, I don’t think it can be used to determine the cell capacity.

Looks good. What was the coupon code for this USB charger?

Once you know the number of cells and the total capacity & voltage of the pack… you also know the capacity of each cell.

I think it’s wrong to assume that the total capacity rating for the pack is equal to the sum capacity of the cells.

Sorry, coupon code is ANKERCM1. Appears to still work. Just wish I could find someone that’s already torn one apart. I’ve searched all over the internet and can’t find anything.

If its a decent brand that cares about their reputation they won’t inflate the capacity & no one would advertise a lower.

Why? That’s exactly how most of these things are sold. Some vendors lie, but Anker seems like they are trying to build a reputable brand, so I’d tend to take them at face value. Some vendors, like Xaomi, have a separate rating for the Ah delivered over USB, which factors in the conversion losses and inefficiency, but most don’t.

Right, and if we trust the rated capacity, which I think is reasonable in this case, then knowing the number of cells gets us a good estimate of cell capacity.

I’d guess 5 cells though. I have the case, PCB and nickel strips from a 6 cell laptop pack, and they weigh in at ~50g.

The $12 acer NOS packs with the pink Samsung 2600 mAh are a better deal if you are just after cells.

Oh, Love NOS. Link?

The $12 acer NOS packs with the pink Samsung 2600 mAh are a better deal if you are just after cells.

I agree, link please :bigsmile:

Gonna beat him to the punch, but doing a search on fleabay with the terms "5200mAh OEM acer" will get you what you're looking for.

I have have trouble trusting that. I like original brand replacement packs in sealed boxes, still at storage voltage. I’d like to see how many charge cycles PackProbe reports for these packs “pulled from new Systems”.

I’d torn apart 3 packs to good result before I got PackProbe working and I was curious what I’d find when I read out another three. All reported 1 cycle. They are ~4-5 years old, so voltages have dropped. I’ve seen between 2-3v/cell. People have” had great results”:Pink new 2600 Samsung 18650s for $2 each, free postage! with these packs. I don’t know if anyone has tested whether they loose capacity across charge/discharge cycles more quickly than one would expect though.

The link to the ebay listing, for the uninitiated. I’ve found these to be harder to open than the other 6-cell packs I’ve torn into.