Post a picture of your younger self

The years go by faster and faster every year my friend. Love the beard BTW

My uncle often told me once you reach 50, the years fly by like the speed of light. I'm nearing 60 and I know what he means. It's as if time has no meaning anymore because the years run by so fast. BTW, I always think my mom was the best thing that ever happened to me. If I tried, I couldn't wish for a better mom.

So true. It’s like a roll of toilet paper, the closer you get to the end; the faster the sheets disappear.
At least we got to live long enough to see, (IMHO), The Golden Age of Flashlights.
Zero nostalgia for the 2xD single level battery hogs.

1969 or so.

me along with my 2 half brothers and a half sister. I think I was about 20 years old going to college in San Luis Obispo , CA 66 today. Still wondering how I got hooked on flashlights :slight_smile: That darn internet!

Did you go to Cal Poly?

indeed I did. I called it Cow Poly as it was an agricultural school

A long time ago, I wanted to be an architect, and I applied to SLO three years in a row.

I never got in.

Which is good, because I changed my major, and I probably wouldn't have done so well at such a prestigious school.

My day camp picture 1960. I’m the last kid on the left in the front row.

Here's my camp...

Excuse the (lack of) quality as this is a scan of a 65yo print, though it’s doing better than me :slight_smile:
Me and my grandmothers dog ‘Linda’

Cheers David

David, great picture. Is your hair still blonde? LOL. Mine is in the turbocharged grey mode these days.

I take it that was your whole camp picture. We had many small groups both girls and boys at different age groups. Fond memories of a long-gone time in my life.

You mom looks so classic for the time! Beautiful!

Mine are in colour albeit pretty cruddy lol Not sure how many mega pixel are in old school film?



If you’re talking about my mother, thanks!!! Unfortunately, she died so young at the age of 70. She was a heavy smoker most of her life. That’s what took her. Thankfully, I never smoked cigarettes, but I did smoke pot up until the end of the 70’s. After that, I was big into cocaine up until 2002. Since then I’ve been totally clean, Maybe I’m giving you guys and gals TMI. Oh well, I’m proud that I’ve survived the Woodstock generation.

You were so damn cute at that age. I think most of us were.I look in the mirror now and I feel like covering them up! LOL! As much as I think young, I get the wakeup call when I shave. I’m one ugly MF… LOL! what can you expect when you’re 66!