Powerful light to shed on trespassers

Thanks Alex. Yes I’ve got a couple loaded. For the most part it is pretty mellow down here and the neighbors all keep an eye on each other. We live close to a lake and there’s a campground down the road. However it is one that is privately owned with permanent campers so we don’t get different campers in each week-end. Some have camped there for over 20 years. We’re friends with several of them. We get golf cart traffic with kids down here just cruising around and they cause no problem whatsoever. Alot of the kids of course like listening to the frogs too. I suspect it was probably a couple adults that were either visiting the campground or whatever. Maybe got a couple beers in them and decided to get some frog legs. But a no trespassing sign means no trespassing.

I do like the idea of the red laser and firecrackers as an add-on to a light. :):slight_smile:

I haven’t really kept up on nice throwers but how about the Yezl Y3 or classic HD2010 for the range he needs? Courui D01 perhaps?

Ultrafire 1504 or similar aspheric? Light them up, they won't know who you are or how far out you are...


Off hand, here are a couple of suggestions...




Select the de-dome option for the first and last selection and you will have excellent power + insanely long reach. About 70,000 kcd for the Convoy and 203,000 kcd for the Maxtoch. I recommend mtelectronics. You will get trusted, great service and fast shipping.

UF 1504 and Conrui D01 are alright, but there may be quality issues.


This one of the longest throwing light in stock form, but price is a bit higher than your budget.

Group buy here

Is the olight MX3S UT maybe more than he needs? You can have too much throw. Would you know how tight the spot is at 250-275 feet?

Less than 100yards? Maybe all he needs is a C8?

If the pond is an acre then a C8 may suffice as the diameter may be only around 60 yards? If it is a good C8 would be ok. If you want to really surprise them with a brighter light then some of the choices mentioned would be better. I have a HD2010 which would be fine but as mentioned these vary in quality. If you’re willing to spend more then the options others post would be better as they throw further.

Shooter1951, I would suggest adding this the your 1st post. Under $50, range 50 feet to about 250-275 feet. Some people might just read the 1st post and miss what your needs are.

Shooter buy this kit https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/34327* light, protected cells and a good charger, and it’s a good price for all of it.

* not an affiliate link.

I would look into the 50-100 watt “wall wash” floodlights from China via Ebay and put it on a motion sensor. I don’t think using a flashlight will be very effective unless you are always around and have a reliable way of detecting the visitors. A dog or a few geese make good detectors.

try Crelant 7G5CS in the new XM-L2 version, a good budget thrower, keep in mind that its probably around 800 lumens in ANSI rating

I’m amazed at the choices, i had no idea! I’m 63 years old and always been an outdoors person. Use to get in fair share of fishing and hunting……but boy I sure have had my head stuck in sand when it comes to “flashlights”. When I started looking I was thinking grab a Stanley or B&D light with a set of rechargables……little did I know!! This forum and all of the posts have definitely expanded my horizon. Now to figure out which. Thank you!!

Here's one you can buy at Home Depot for $19 and return if you don't like it:

All of the options mentioned here are viable… from a $14 C8 style light to the $60+ long throwers.

Some of the lights are inexpensive enough to buy more than one style… grab a Courui D01 and a Convoy C8 and come out right about at $50, for example.

If you know me, you’ll know I’m always looking for a better way. “Better” means whatever it means, but I have to ask:

Your own pond seems well-kept, so I’m assuming you could walk around it without much danger, even in the dark, yes? I’m assuming you used a flashlight last week?

Why not just put on some dark clothes, pack a pistol just in case, and wander up on them in the darkness? Take your time, be slow, careful and quiet. If they’re just looking to get closer to nature (as in “au naturel”), or if they are up to no good, a Sudden Appearance of a Very Bright light from Very Close is a lot more effective (in terms of terrorizing trespassers), than anything you could beam them with from the porch. Especially if you pop a couple of rounds into the ground at your feet (safely, of course!!) as you pop on the light (assuming they’re actually ne’er-do-wells and not just necking).

For the maximum deterrent effect, you’d want to exercise some self-control to keep from LOL-ing at them while they were still in ear-shot… In fact, a complete lack of vocal sounds from you would probably have the most lasting psychological impact.

But, like wild animals, if they see you coming, you’ll never get close enough.

OTOH, my first thought would be to prepare by practicing in daylight with a shotgun (birdshot only) so you can lob loads of birdshot high enough to not be dangerous, but get the load to splash around the far side of the pond. If you’ve ever been bird hunting in a popular spot you know what that “shot shower” feels like. This plus the LASER pointer, plus any flashlight if you must, would make a pretty convincing “GET OUT” message in the darkness.

However, comma, my Best Advice (“Greater Good” and all that) would be to adopt a dog & teach it to run madly around the pond barking its fool head off the whole way. There are very few people who’ll stick around to see if it’s “bad” or just noisy. And in the meantime you’ll be a hero by giving a dog a home and a job to do.

Remind me to never encroach into Dimbo property. Or within a 100 ft of it. :smiley:

^ Agreed. If you do accidentally get on his property, start necking on the nearest person you can find and slowly wiggle your way out of there immediately.

EDIT: Exception, if the nearest person is Dim's SWMBO, it may not be wise to start necking on her. I don't even want to know what Dim's the response to that would be.

EDIT2: You know I'm just kidding around Dim, right, bro? I just remembered we live in the same State.

WTF Dimbo that was creepy :open_mouth:

Jokes aside, such an intimidatory technique could lead to unexpected reactions… And injuries on both parts. I would advise against that, and just dissuade from distance or approach openly. Unless you like to play the ’mmurica cowboy thing, hah.