why would anyone without airframe and valid certificate be trying to get your engine?
6 XM-L and 4 XP-G
2.50 × 10 = $25.00 + $4.00 for shipping = $29.00+1=$30
Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID # 2LG57883S8616074B)
Paypal sent for the following:
15 x XM-L, 15 x XP-G 16mm Sinkpads = $75
I threw in an additional $30 for shipping + tracking to Singapore, let me know if it’s enough!
Unique Transaction ID3XT7174868389541F
Bort, those engines make great chainsaws!
paypal sent for 25 xpg 16mm boards and 15 of your left over 20mm xpg boards. Unique Transaction ID # 6DL297388V493350F. i am on the spreadsheet for xml boards, just want to be sure i get the xpg boards.
Post 81 to 85 will be updated in the morning
in that case pilot should be selling to the highest bidder
Think it could be shoehorned onto my Piper Malibu?
spreadsheet updated
Crap! I didn't know you still had some 20mm boards too...
yea but there all sold
Nitro. Paypal sent for 4 x XML 16mm boards $10 + $6 shipping to Canada + 4% fees $0.64 = $16.64US
(Unique Transaction ID # 1EG17663SW021510C)
any problems with payment let me know
devdvr 2nd post updated with your order
Payment of sent for ten 16mm sinkpads plus shipping to California:
4 XPG sinkpads
6 XML sinkpads
(PayPal Unique Transaction ID # 6SE48795LD8140233)
PayPal sent for 8 xml. Unique Id 8W607383C6478652U
2nd post updated for the new buyers
Just a tip/thought.
Instead of writing say: 15x XPG in the “Quantity XPG” column you could just write the number (15). That way you could summarize all of them and easily see the total amount at the bottom.
Im guessing that if you “only” get 300 XP-Gs there is no point in taking pre-orders on more. You should be around 300 if you have not exceeded it with some.
Either way, for your own sake it would be easier to keep track of things that way.
You could do the same with the XM-L column.
i got more boards, so order what u guys with
I’am in for 12-XML and 3-XPG.
$44.00 Payment sent, keep the change Nitro. :bigsmile:
PP (Unique Transaction ID # 3D019487716779801)
Any buyers from Belgium or the Netherlands ? I don't need much and the international shipping to me is rather expensive.
I have done couple of transactions with nitro before and all went smooth. Maybe nitro can offer a cheaper shipment ?