Pre-Production Getian FC30 4500k 90cri 5050 LED Output test by Texas_Ace - Good tint, bad efficiency

BlueSword sent me this pre-production sample LED to test. Don’t know much about it but tossed it on the tube and took some readings.

Charts are below.

Initial impressions are that the tint without an optic is quite nice, not quite 219b nice but better then most. I have not tried it with an optic yet.

Performance wise there is a lot to be desired. The efficiency starts where some LED’s end and it gets worse from there. Actually kind of impressive how low the efficiency is lol. I am told that a full production run should improve the efficiency a fair amount but not sure how much.

Overall if it could reach the claimed output in the data sheet (~2500lumens @ 30W) with the same tint and in a 3V package, it would make for an interesting LED. In fact if it could work with an FET driver and get 2500-3000 lumens, I would run it in my EDC.

I am also curious to see a spectrum analysis of this LED, the tint itself is nice but have not really compared the CRI.

Ouch, that’s not good at all :frowning:

Thanks for the test in any case.

Edit :

My and Bob’s sample were very green.

50 watts for 1600 lumens. Not very promising.

Yeah, I asked Getian yesterday for more details about sample brightness, as with 2 other LED manufacturers, I’ve been told that very small production batches for sample production is quite inefficient in many ways(cost, brightness, binning), and that production batches have much better properties in that regard.

It would explain how the GT-FC40 we have is better than the FC60 we have: pre-production vs normal batch production.

I now just need a good answer from Getian and I’ll start a GB of either the FC30 or the FC60.

Interesting, I need to look at it closer.

In mule form I didn’t detect any green, I am VERY sensitive to green. I would not call it rosy but neutral.

I only looked at it briefly though but it looked quite good in that brief look.