Thank you , but the batteries already packed in a way I can only charge through mini-usb connector .
Slow speed is not a problem .
Fellas ,
No recommendations for a cheap charger with a usb socket / mini-usb plug (wall mounted , & it’s 220v over here)?
It’s very important for me to top the batteries to 4.2v , life cycles doesn’t really matter .
In addition , how do I make sure my UE09WCP chargers aren’t a CC/CV method (the manufacturer not really responding my mail)?
Any charger that HKJ rates as good should work for you. His website: UK.html
Single battery chargers will work with parallel 4 x18650. Just run wires from the positive and negative on your parallel 4 x18650 pack to the charger.
If it was cc/cv they would advertise that. Since they don’t mention cc/cv most likely its not cc/cv.
No way to know 100% for sure without test equipment.
Thank you so much