Problems with Trustfire Mini-02 on 16340 cells *Fixed*

My 2 Nitecore RCR123As arrived today together with my TrustFire Mini-02 and they can fit inside the Mini-02. A tight fit but not tight enough to need a pair of pliers to remove. A twisting-pulling motion with my 2 fingers does the trick.

The problem is that my Mini-02 is defective and upon checking the pill, the solder of the black wire was detached from the PCB. I’ll fix this myself as I can’t wait returning this and waiting for the replacement to arrive.

I’ll post the run time results this evening as I’m also charging my little Nitecores. :slight_smile:

looking forward to the results! :slight_smile:

Definitely the Protection circuit tripping. I encountered the same problem with a set of certain type of 16340s, and when i tried other types it worked fine.
I did a test, when the light blinked and went out, i quickly removed the battery and tested in on a volt meter, it read 0 volts, then it “tripped” back on a couple seconds after and got 4.0 volt reading out of it.

Hah? I am just checking right now and if I insist on pushing the battery in then I am certainly going to need pliers to take it out again and that is if not pushed in for the head to screw porperly. I will wait for the second Nitecore RCR to arrive just in case and / or the interior diameter of my light is slightly smaller for reason unknown.

Alternatively I could thin the interior of the tube a tiny bit (not much needed) with sandpaper or use other batteries although if protected there is still a risk of not fitting.

Nightbird95, obviously the tight specifications and strict production controls of Trustfire have resulted in a slightly different diameter of the inner tube in my Mini-02.

I think you’re right Jargon. A difference of as little as half a millimeter could spell the difference between the battery stocking up and sliding through. Maybe it just happened that my Mini-02 is half a millimeter wider than yours. :slight_smile:

I’ve just finished taking the run times of my 2 Nitecore RCR123As on my UF-K21 and the results were great.

The first cell was charged to 4.18 volts using my Nitecore Intellicharger I2, then ran for 36.5 minutes on high. The light was already dimmer so I did not push it through. The voltage reading after the test was 2.72 volts.

The second cell was also charged to 4.18 volts then ran for 35 minutes on high. I also turned the light off at 35 minutes since it was already a little dimmer. The voltage reading after the test was 2.73 volts.

Had I waited until the light turns off by itself (maybe at 2.7 volts) then it could have run up to 38 to 39 minutes. Calculating the approximate capacity of the cells using the declared output of the UF-K21 at 500 lumens, the current drain should be 2200 mA hence the average capacity (for 35.75 mins run time average) of 655.42 mAh.

I’ve just finished fixing and rewiring my Mini-02 and the two Nitecore cells are being recharged again. I should be able to take the run times of these batteries on the Mini-02 tonight. :slight_smile:

Nice! I think I will sand the interior a bit an report back. Now the other issue is that I might have to re-wrap one of the batteries since the plastic cover has worn out in 1-2 spots and I am afraid of sorting it. Damn and I liked that Nitecore cover….

By the way, is it normal for the Mini-02 to have some sort of flickering on high?

Well I just tested it on my projector screen and there is no flickering. All in all mine might be fat-tubed but does not flicker…LOL.

LOL! I think the Nitecore RCR123A cells also don’t exactly have the same diameters. One cell fits tightly inside the tube of the Mini-02 while the other slides without any problem. I’ll be taking the run times in a while. :slight_smile:

Oh nice! Then when I receive the second Nitecore RCR123A I might have a chance that it fits.

I was able to take some photos of my new Mini-02 and my UF-K21.

Here’s my UF-K21 on the left and the new Mini-02 on the right:

Here are the two Nitecore RCR123As I ordered together with the Mini-02 fitting perfectly on my two lights:

Here’s the Mini-02 pill after rewiring. The wires on the left are the original wires connecting the driver to the MPCB. They were replaced by wires similar to the right:

Here are beam shots of the two lights using the 2 Nitecores. The Mini-02 (cooler beam) is on the left and the UF-K21 (warmer beam) is on the right:

I tried both Nitecore RCR123A’s run time on the mini-02, hanging the flashlight in front of an air con unit since it heats up after 1 minute on high. One cell lasted 36 minutes & 40 seconds on high before turning itself off (PCB kicking in), and one cell lasted 36 minutes & 46 seconds (quite close).

When I checked the voltage readings after the tests, the cells were 3.03 volts and 3.05 volts. I guess the inconsistency on the voltage readings (2.7 volts for the UF-K21 tests earlier) were due to the multi meters I used. Back in the office, I used an analog multi tester (the same tester I used in my college days which is 2 decades old) for the UF-K21 tests. Here at home, I used a DMM (bought a month ago after I got addicted to flashlights) for the Mini-02 tests. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the test data and comparisons! Great info!

It looks like both lights are almost identical based on drain times…?

How much difference did changing the wires help?

I think so too. The UF-K21 is only a bit higher in output (500 lumens vs 480 lumens) per manufacturer specs because it is using an XM-L U2 while the Mini-02 is using an XM-L T6. Otherwise, their drivers should be drawing about the same current from the cell.

I think changing the wires has helped increase the output of the Mini-02 as evidenced by the comparative beam shots. However, it also caused the light to heat up faster on high mode.

thank you Nightbird for the comparison! Therefore with these Nitecore RCR123A both the flashlights reach the maximum brightness?
I want to buy one of these 2 :slight_smile:

mini 01 or the mini 02 max brightness on an rcr = NO… get yourself some imr 16340 for that :slight_smile:

which you suggest to buy between Uf K21 and Mini 02?
I like the little size and the steinless steel of the mini….and the clip, magnetized tail and powerful of the Uf K21, but i don’t like the next mode and 5 modes :frowning:
I have already ordered 2 nitecore 16340!
Please help me to choise, thank you!

I think something might be wrong with my Mini 01 or AW IMR 16340… or maybe I am spoilt for lumens these days… just doesn’t seem that bright like the OP’s shots… ofcourse he has 02 but should be similar?

Argggg. I am now getting pissed with my mini 02. The Nitecore RCRs do not fit inside (too thick) and I just received a Trustfire 16340 protected that is not working. I charged the battery and when I turn the head the flashlight flashes once and then nothing! Anyone got an idea? The same battery works fine on my Nitecore EC1.

I like them both but the mini-02, being smaller is easier to bring anywhere so I use it for my house keys so it goes with me everywhere I go. I also don’t worry much on its anodizing being scratched since it has none.

The UF-K21 is bigger and the magnet tends to get entangled with other metal objects so its not that easy to bring around. I use it for my car keys since it will be useful in case I need to look inside my car’s hood in the dark. I only use my car during weekends so it usually stays in the key box most of the time.