Proposal for a BLF defense flashlight

I am a batlight collector. So I am all for it.

What about Cree LEDs ? They are supposed to be made in the USA

Here’s an idea. I found this ’jewel’ in the Pink Flashlight Thread . :wink:
Gotta love the ‘pocket clip’…. :smiley:
Punisher Baton Flashlight Stun Gun – Pink

Wellp, it can be done…

Whoa. Wonder what kinda clown pants you’d have to wear to use that clip…

I don’t know…. but you can bet they wouldn’t be pretty or practical. :wink: … Just like that clip. :smiley:

Thank goodness I am not there then. We are still pretty much free here …. as far as law abiding citizens go.
It is pretty much like Joshk says here also. Thank goodness…. :wink:

I was thinking this was going to be a EDC tactical light. Not something you want to use to thump someone with. If you want to do that buy a MagLight for cheap money and use that, or get something like a pd35tac from Fenix and use another weapon whatever it maybe, as that weapon would probably be more suitable for defending yourself over something like a small clublike flashlight that you are using to see and or to blind the attacker. Which could also become disabled because it breaks upon hitting the attacker then you have lost one of your defensive advantages .

My 2cents.

Maglites are decent. BUT the tube walls are VERY THIN. Can dent and bend easily. I tried to destroy one but really dented it real bad. Electronics powering light got damaged bad too.

The design of Batlight has to be in separate ( 2 - 3 pieces ) so that structural power is much stronger. Very important is thickness of diameter of tube. So when striking lessens chance of breakage.

I personally would use stainless steel or high carbon steel. Use the latest LEDs, run on 3 - 4 26650 OR 3 - 4 18650s. With aggressive SS strike bezel removable of course. similar to Wowtacs BSS Vol 3.

Naw, you hold it by the head (to keep it from sliding out of your hand, too, when swinging), and whomp ’em on the head with the tailcap.

Stick in a sleeve to be able to load it up with 18650s, and pot the whole tube with epoxy in that deadspace.

Good idea. But just in case I needed to go back to Nicad no chance if needed for emergency power source.