Protected or unprotected - for my use?

If in doubt at all, use protected. There is no downside unless you have modded hotrod, high amp lights.
You must be sure your flashlights have low voltage warning / protection. If not use protected batteries only. If a battery is allowed to discharge too low it becomes internally damaged and will be at increased risk of venting with flame or exploding in a light. This can happen at any time in the future once a battery is damaged.

Xxx-fire batteries are junk, usually dangerous junk. I’d dispose of them. Often they say “protected” on the wrapper but it’s a lie. Sometimes they are rewrapped used, worn batteries that were discarded.

The batteries with high fake capacities like 5200 are the ones most likely to be rewrapped worn, discarded cells with wrappers that lie about having protection.
How to see if your battery is protected