Protected Vs Unprotected Batteries

Laptop pulls are fairly safe as long as you monitor and follow the do’s and don’ts. Its important that you learn li-ion characteristics. They can be very harmful if not treated properly. I don’t mean to scare anyone into thinking they are unsafe. A incident is very rare, but they do and can happen as you will find here and all over various forums where they are used and discussed by members. Learn all you can about the do’s and don’ts, its important when using li-ions.
When I mod a new light the very first battery I stick in it to test with is a protected battery. If all goes well, then I try a good unprotected battery. You never know when something might be shorted out, until you test it first.
Its always a good practice to follow, when receiving any new charger or battery, no matter the brand or quality, to monitor its behavior for the first few charger’s. Its always possible to get a lemon. That lemon could cost you a lot if you don’t know it’s a lemon. Here’s one! My 14500 battery explosion, with pictures
I never leave my chargers when charging unattended. If for some odd reason the charger doesn’t terminate, or the cell starts building heat it can go into thermal runaway. Its better to be in the same room with you so you can have a chance to deal with the problem, than it is to be in a separate room where you might not notice the problem, until its to late.
Its no different than owning a gun, if don’t practice safety, you’ll end up shooting yourself in the foot. :smiley: