Pwm dimming for video appropriate flashlights

By far the easiest (and cheapest) solution to establish the concept or base case scenario:

1. “IF” the Supfire zoomies have a 17mm driver??? buy a (or a few) nanjg 105C drivers with however many AMC7135’s you feel comfortable with, and swap out with the stock one.

2. Get a Pomona 8 SOIC clip to program the 105C driver’s ATTiny13A chip with a ramping software. My hex file here could get you started with the clicky switch (needs fuse and prescale change for 19kHz PWM). Using the clicky switch means that a double click is required to get to the ramping mode and continue to hold down til the brightness is acceptable. Other ramping software available could be available at toykeeper’s site? Flashlight Firmware Repository

Going thru this exercise would lay the path to mod more expensive solutions like a Convoy L2 or?

Others may have ideas on drivers/hosts that are amendable to the ramping software.