I don’t see a specified minimum voltage for XMLs but mine won’t make it to the lowest figures on their charts before they’re out. I thought PWM should take care of that, at least with a charged battery. I’ll bet most cheap, buzzy, flickerin’ Chinese drivers don’t have problems with low mode.
Wouldn't a cap placed on the Vdd make the issue worse, by smoothing out the high/low peaks needed to light the LED at a lower level than it'd be capable of running from if it weren't a switched signal?
The moonlight mode problem is that the ’7135 chips can’t respond to the very narrow PWM pulses that are being generated. An extra resistance or capacitance on the PWM pin would just make the problem worse by filtering out what there is of the pulses. Plus it would probably screw up the other modes.
O.K. collected thoughts on my adding capacitance proposal. When I look at what I did with my own driver (not Qlite), I actually added capacitance to the battery+ and ground. So that was before the diode to the processor. I have to say I was confusing myself here. The AMC7135 data sheet shows a cap on Vdd/LED+ to ground.
I’m going to butt out here. Not going to trust any further conjecture on my part, with out measured results .
They are not trying to use Vdd to PWM the output. In fact ’7135 chips are not specified to work with PWM on the Vdd pin. What happens/can happen when you PWM Vdd is totally up to the whims of the chip maker (e.g. some chips leak a few milliamps of current when you try to turn them off via the Vdd pin). Theoretically, it should not work at all… it’s just pure dumb luck that it does.
This means that certain XML2 with higher than normal Vf will not work with Qlite’s moonlight mode?
And there is no way to tell which XML2 will work until you try it?
So it comes down to luck of the draw.
I just got the Int’ Outdoors XtinD V4 light, I already ran it on high for over an hour and moonlight mode still works normally so that means it is ok.