QTC Pills in the USA -Problem SOLVED- Thank You

I've searched for this, but don't see a definite answer. Anyone in the US got any QTC Pills? I am looking for a few to test out. I just don't want to go buy 50-100 of them due to minimum order, etc.


SOLVED & Thanks to all

Try sending Don a PM. Real nice guy! :) Although he isnt located in the US, I think he just stocked up on another large batch and mails them for next to nothing.

Thats not fair. Many people have received their envelopes from Don and realized some great results with their QTC mods. He is also one of the greatest contributors and most respected members on this forum. If you didnt receive your envelope, I doubt it was Dons fault. I assume you didnt pay for the additional certified mail delivery. Not sure anyone would for only a few dollars delivered.

I know the deal with Don and have read that thread. I wouldn't have a problem getting from him, but if I have to go "over there" to get them, then I might as well just take the hit and buy a bunch of them. I just was looking for someone in the US who might want to sell a few.

Thanks for the info, both of you.

Many people did not recieve any, so that makes it entirely fair. I have zero respect for people who don’t follow through with their promises and then just ignore the problem entirely.

I have a few. Will PM details shortly.

My apologies, I didnt realize that there was a second group buy for the pills... along with the associated problems in delivery. Best of luck to all involved.

Problem solved

Thanks everyone for the replies and the help!

This is entirely deserved I'm afraid. It will get sorted when I can get the data back, but Bob is right - I deserve every word he's said.

I hope to make it right but it's way past time for that already.

care to share how?

PMs took care of it.

Well this isn't the thread to rehash this problem, but since it has been brought up and replied to in my thread, I feel it now deserves my 2 cents worth. Opinions are like A**holes, everyone has one, well I have two. One in my arse and the other in my mouth. Surprised


Money talks and bulls*** walks. Your thread seems to have ended without resolution. Did you send the pills, did you give them the money back? Your answers seem to be unclear and I think you need to get on the stick and make clearing this up a #1 priority. As I was in business for 26+ years, I can say that, in transactions, either refund it or deliver it, no excuses allowed. You don't need data, just publicly ask everyone to post exactly what you owe them and then pay them back. If it was thru PayPal, then you still have the data, as PayPal saves your transactions on their servers. If it was cash, you should know that you received it. I think your offer got out of hand with all of the requests and you didn't want to tell all the people no after saying yes, but as you said, it was a big hit and probably out of control. Just end it by paying them all off.


Did you ever get your money back or get the pills? I hear your anger, but you have not clarified by stating clearly, in the other thread, "Don, you owe me $xxx and I want it now." I don't see that stated in the other thread anywhere, just more criticism.

Who's at fault?, everyone involved in one way or another. Don for not handling the situation in a prompt manner and giving excuses instead of taking action? The rest for not stating very clearly "in the thread iteslf" exactly how much Don owed them? He even asked for people to do that. PM's are great, but they are not transparent, so no one knows what went on behind closed doors and that is one of the very bad things about PM systems.

Typical mass confusion, anger and resentment based on internet transactions where everyone is transparent and yet anonymous at the same time.

I am as bad as the next person in dealing with the internet, so you may feel I am pointing fingers, but I am stating what I see from the thread and it's clear as mud.

Good post