Quick Guide to Popular LEDS - UPDATED FOR 2024

Figured I should help with the section on the mysterious “San’an” emitters, to give info and to clear up misconceptions:

First of all, explaining the naming conventions to the best of my knowledge:

  • First letter is always S (for San’an maybe?)
  • Second letter designates domed (S) or domeless (F)
  • Third letter designates the array size:
    – S for single
    – Q for 2x2
    – N for 3x3
    – H for 4x4
    – T for 5x5
    – Y for 8x8
  • Number is the approximate die size, in thousandths of an inch.
  • Number after decimal might indicate a “generation” but this isn’t always provided

A model number for example: SFQ60.3, where it would indicate a domeless 2x2 array of 60mil dies, of the third generation.

Color temperatures available:
Most of these emitters are available in 6500k R70 (actual 7000k), 5000k R70 (actual 5500k), 3000k R90, though some combinations of emitter and color temp might only be available on Taobao. Some of them (notably the L90 and GT9090) seem to be only available in a single color temperature (CW).

The CW (6000-7000k) color temperature is usually clean but extremely cool-tinted, although some can be greenish. Low CRI, 65-70 typical.
The NW (≈5000k) color temperature is usually greenish, similarly to an SST-20 or SST-40. Low CRI, 65-70 typical.
The WW (3000k) color temperature is usually yellowish (positive DUV). High-CRI, 90CRI typical. Loses around 25% output compared to CW and NW.

Now to the emitters:
3535: Memorable mentions are SFS-80, SFQ-43

  • SFS-75: large die (bigger than XP-L HI), very powerful, claims 2600lm. Might be replacement for SFS-80.
  • SFS-80: large die, not very popular, marked as discontinued by manufacturer. Might also called “P35 HI” on Kaidomain, though it could be misleading, as the “4000k 80CRI” variant seems to be 5000k 70CRI and quite greenish.
  • SFQ-35 (3v): not much known, presumably throwier alternative to SFQ-43
  • SFQ-43 (3v): extremely bright, probably comparable to 3v XHP35.2 HI. Used in Mateminco MT18X
  • SFQ-46 (6v): not much known, claims to be over 3000lm. Might be an SFQ-43 wired as 6v

5050: not much information known, but used in some chinese-market flashlights. Memorable mentions would be SFQ-55 and SFN-43

  • SFS-72 (3v): Round-die emitter, very similar to the “Yinding Egg” emitter. Used in the Nightwatch NS14R
  • SFQ-55 (3v): extremely bright, used in the Nightwatch NS14
  • SSQ-55 (3v): extremely bright, used in the Nightwatch NS14R. Same as SFQ-55, but domed
  • SFQ-60 (3v): very bright, 3rd gen is used in Nightwatch NS59v2. Very high CCT, clean 6000k tint. Comparable to XHP50.3 HI. May be discontinued.
  • SFQ-65 (3v): not very popular, comparable to XHP50.3 HI. Available on Pioneman K75
  • SFN-40 (3v): very bright, the CW variant appears to have good tint.
  • SFN-43 (3v): even brighter, ≈6000k with clean tint, used in a few lights like the Pioneman K75
  • SFH-35 (12v): not much known, but uses 16 tiny dies in a 3535 package. Looks like a waffle. Discontinued

7070 (3v): Even more obscure, with less information available, and conflicting reports.

  • SFQ-60: Larger-footprint variant of the 5050 emitter with the same name. Very bright, large thermal pad allows for very high current. Not very popular for unknown reasons. Presumably would throw well.
  • SFN-55: Extremely bright, used by Nightwatch and in the JKK-76 sodacan flashlight. Known to make over 7000lm when driven at extreme currents.
  • SFN-60: Even brighter, available in various CCTs, a cheaper alternative to an SBT90 for “wow factor” Available from Hank (Emisar/Noctigon). Likely over 8000lm in a multi-cell light, can do 5500-6000lm on a single 21700 cell (CW).

11x10 (3v) aka SBT-90 footprint: Not much info, but incredible power

  • SFH-43: Very bright, over 8000lm, more throw than SFH-55. Used in Haikelite HK08
  • SFH-55: Same as you mentioned, but the CW tint is surprisingly clean. There might be a second-gen with a fully poured phosphor, original had white silicone on the edges. Over 10k lumens when driven very hard.
  • “L-90”: Very large round-die domeless emitter, similar to the old Luminus SBT-70 or the “Yinding Glass” emitters. Extremely bright, slightly less intense than SBT-90. Uses a glass lens, which can be removed to clean the beam of artifacts. “True name” unknown.
  • “GT9090” (SBT-90 clone): Visually similar to an SBT-90.2 and to “yinding glass”, but lower in performance. Much cheaper. NlightD T90v2 uses it.

11x11 (3v, 6v, 12v):

  • SFP-55: Extremely powerful 3v emitter with 25 dies, very bright, over 10,000lm. Most notably used in Lumintop GT4695 and Lumintop Rattlesnake. 24-die variant exists in 6v and 12v, though obscure.

16x16 (3v, 6v, 12v):



  • Changed description for SFQ-46 to include new info
  • Reworded descriptions for clarity and to include more info.
  • Added explanation to “generation” number
  • Added section explaining color temperature variants.
9 Thanks