No I don’t have any machines like that anymore. Though I do still have an old IBM laptop running Windows. 3.1 for workgroups. It still boots up as long as it is plugged in. Batteries shot craps years ago. I use to do a lot of writing and I would use that old thing and a version of Lotus I think it was. Back up all my work onto 3.5” disk. LOL Use to call up software companies to get a free “trial version” of their software on 3.5” disk, just so I could wipe the disk and use them for back ups.
I miss the good old days of bulletin board systems and modem squeals in the backround.
A few years back people were complaining about my signature, it had a trunk full of flashlights (from Home Depot) and another flashlight related picture i don;t quite remember, seems the image quality was too high and people didn’t yet have single digit megabit internet (dialup 56K must have still been a popular thing in the mid 2010s).
Ugh, how I hate Chrome and all its derivatives. Guaranteed, like once a week I can’t even get to gmail/goggle/etc. because of “too many retries”, with a lame suggestion to clear my cookies.
I feel more like tossing my cookies every time I have to use it.