RBD's handmade entry, all finished. Glam shots and outdoor comparison beam shots.See last post.



But I agree it needs a laser.

If it were me I'd just duct tape a $2 laser pointer to the "barrel".

A hugely underrated construction tool is duct tape.

:stuck_out_tongue: Looking good. Love the layers.

I like the laser idea too but I’d only have time (maybe) to put a complete unit and that feels outside the rules. It also cries out for a fuel guage but that won’t happen either.

Who says it has to work? Make one and fake it - you can always make it work later. An ex-hifi VU meter comes to mind. Just feed it 4.2V and see what reading it gives you. Most people have one or more dead stereos lying around.

The laser is a sub-assembly like a P60 or something. So just bolt/tape it on.

Go for it!

Your light is depressingly awesome.

Very spacey. Truly awesome. :)

Seriously, dude, that’s from another planet! How do we compete with that?

Totally awesome! Can’t wait to see what output you give it.

The batteries need to be in a quick change “ammo” magazine that loads into the handle…

All these great ideas need to show up in somebody else’s build. I love ’em but as it is I may not finish or it may not work. Talk about a shelf queen. :~


Nice. You make me feel like a crow. You see something nice and shiny and you want to steal it.

I love the way you did the cut outs. Looking forward tot the rest of the build.

What an awesome job so far, RBD!! :O

Even if I had the time to work on an entry right now I'd probably just bag it after seeing what you've made here. Truly awesome!

I hope that’s not the case for anyone else. I wish you had the time. I’d like to see what you came up with. It surely would’ve been sweet.


2 day m clever! Awesome job, really can’t wait to see it finished. :slight_smile:

lol, R, veeeery nice light and idea :bigsmile: Wanna see it “ready to fire” soon :stuck_out_tongue:

Rufusbduck shoots for a win! :party:

Holy Crap! That trigger build is a build all it’s own! Awesome work RBD!