Recognise these microswitches?

I need to find a source of the green/white switches. My index finger is sore from clicking this new switch. :_( It must take slightly more force to press.

Man you are not joking about the freakish solder they use. I just harvested one from a dead Logitech charging base and the switch plastic melted and the PCB scorched before the solder melted! (using hot air on the backside of the board)


p.s. Here is a pic of Dinsdale passed out in the cat bed (a.k.a. 'a padded envelope laid on the floor')

Aww! It’s his parcel I see. :bigsmile:

I think I reflowed three times with my iron turned up to 420°C (okay I am using 60/40 lead solder which melts at a lower temp) but it was still making me concerned I would damage the PCB trying to get it out. :~

Aww!!! Plus her bedroom looks nice (I could not imagine black, cream and red looking nice).

I'm looking and looking and not finding anything but the typical Omron versions. Might be wirth it to buy a 10-pack, and experiment with bending the contact... thing inside to get the right amount of pressure? They're easy to open without breaking anything, and I don't think doing it would be anything above your skill level...

Maybe I should do that. Thank you for looking! Will it help a clearer pic of the logo? I couldn’t find anything from the number on the side.

I'm just scrolling thru '19,328 results for microswitch' on ebay and looking at pictures. Might check Mouser or Mcmaster-Carr later.

Here the logo:

20pc lot of the correct format, dunno what they're like as far as force required or whatnot:

Plenty to experiment with if they're too stiff in stock form.

It uses a buckling spring setup, increase the curve to lessen the spring force, straighten it out to increase it:

Thank you! I was looking on Farnell and thought maybe I’ll try some with different max force (doesn’t specify operating force) and hopefully find a lighter kind. I don’t have the old switch as it fell apart (a leg must have got overheated).

Support at #1, press at #2 to lessen the spring force

Support at #1 press at #2 to increase the force, if you weaken it too much (i.e. it won't return when released)

Ah, I will have to try that first! I have a spare anyway if I bend it too far. Thank you for posting that.

That spring is just too small! :_( I bent it too far and couldn’t fit it back in so had to replace it.

Some of the switches I came across on Farnell had lower max force so I will try those as they may be lighter.

I found some in the same format but made by Cherry, instead of the much more common Omron. No idea what the spring force is but you might get lucky by googling the switch part number.

Thanks, Comfychair! Cherry only specify maximum operating force. Might be worth trying though.