Nothing new here. This is copied from brted's Generic IMR thread
Here's the 18350s at 3 Amps: (click thumbnail for graph)
I tested both cells 3 times. I'm not real thrilled with the way #2 is lagging behind and just the consistency in general. Still... they perform acceptably. I just wish I had some of the Ultrafire 18350s to compare them to. The #2 cell is getting more capacity with each run, but I wish I knew what I did to get 915mAh out of #1. :) Here they are compared to the AW IMR 18350s:
I took the middle run from each of the generics and here is a single (only) run a pair of the AW IMRs. I like the curve of the AWs a lot better. That would give you higher current reading from the MF UF dropin or the like. The generics look like they're running out of wind at 3A and I bet there would be a big drop in capacity at 5A. But I don't think I'm going to try 5A. They are already getting warm at 3A. I'm doing 1.5A tests now, but I figured that 3A would be most relevant.
I'm going to try them both with the Manafont Ultrafire dropin and get some readings just to compare further.
EDIT: ok... done :)
(MAX from turn-on - tested with my Vichy VC99 with leads from my hobby charger)
AW - 4.325 amps
Generic - 3.506 amps
As long as they hold up, I think they are a good buy. I wish I had a larger sample size, but its safe to say that if your light will hold them, they're going to do better than ANY 16340.