Resistor mod for Meritline X8 Clone? (AKA Small Sun ZY-T614)

I already did that (killed an old XM-L in this light). That was what I meant by I “did a bdiddle” earlier :)…

Oh right, I read that but forgot. Plenty of old LED lying around, haha.


I want to report that I finally did get around to putting an XP-G2 on a 20mm Noctigon and I have to say that it went quite well.

I ended up not using the original white centering disk, because when I used that, it put the emitter too far “back” and made the beam really ugly, with this kind of clover-leaf shaped dark spot in the middle of the hotspot.

So, instead, I put some kapton tape around the end of the reflector, then just used that. I was a little worried that the emitter might not center, but it seemed like it did pretty well and the beam looks pretty good.

I haven’t done any measurements, but was out with the light tonight, shining at a treeline about 100 yards away, and it seemed to throw quite well.

Sounds like you’re happy with the results. What drive current did you end up with?

Hi wight,

Yes. Before I did it, and when I got that really weird beam when I tried using the white disc, I was kind of worried that I’d have a hard time centering the emitter without the disc, but like I said, it just centered easily, with no messing around at all.

Tailcap current ended up at ~2.21 amps (using 2 laptop pulls). That was just one resistor stacked on top of the original resistor.

Here’re some pics of the XP-G2 in the light:

I used kapton tape on the reflector end:

Here’s the 20mm Noctigon in the pill:

and, assembled (pic looks a little weird, but the emitter is centered pretty well inside the reflector):


Whitewall (high mode):