[Review] Astrolux FT01 XHP50.2 (21700)

TS, I hoped you'd answer bc I saw you in the thread for back when this came out. Anyway,

good to know about all 20 working so well ! It's a great looking light! I'm sorry I missed out on that champagne gray color, but sand is still in stock and on a small sale on BG, Thinking about grabbing one and putting in a 4000k xhp50.2 .

over the last month or two I've started having MUCH more of an appreciation for lights with better drivers. I've sold all of my emisar d4v2's and replaced them with skilhunt, ZebraLight, acebeam, thrunite and even Olight. Of course I am swapping out all of their stock emitters though. I've also gained an appreciation for warm white tints.

Mine pulls 7 amps on turbo and I believe the LED is close to 5000k-5700k. Tail switch has to be on to recharge.