Review: Convoy M1 XM-L T6-3C 2.8A 2-Group 3/5 mode

Very nice review on such great flashlight, thank you JohnnyMac :beer:

Great review Johnny. Thanks for sharing

So the 4 little boys are queuing for their coffee

Thank you JohnnyMac. Would you review the Convoy C8 in the future? It seems to be a nice light too.

If they will send me one I’d be happy to. A little too much $$ for me to spend on my own for a light that would redundant with some I already have. I did ask them to send me one originally but it was too pricey for them to send for a review. If I can work a good discount deal with them so it won’t be too much OOP I can make it happen. Maybe they will read this and reconsider. I will try though since the C8 looks like a fantastic light and a far better light of that size than a stock/modded Maglite.

Great review Johnny. I have a Convoy C8 ordered. Awesome ring!!!

i lol’d @ your new avatar

you can tell I get bored easily! Sucks having adult ADD. :bigsmile:

Very nice review, Thanks. This will probably be my next light as I have been looking for something around P60 size but could handle being driven hard better. Plus I like the fact these lights and the supplier are consistent. Fasttech is awesome, recently changed my mind on a purchase and was refunded same day within hrs!

Don’t currently own a Convoy, but it looks like they know what quality it. As you indicate, (even compared to the KeyGos M10, which ain’t a bad light), the Convoy has brass this and brass that, and heatsink screws. The machining looks impressive, and it does look like the assembly people take great pride in their product. I will definitely be getting a Convoy soon. I also like how FastTech tells the customer all the specs, including which driver is used — you know exactly what you are getting. At $20, what, couldn’t scratch build one for that
Oh, by the Way, your new avatar is insane, and your review is
damn good, in fact, damn good

:slight_smile: Thanks, brother.

Thanks for the review JohnnyMac, I’ll definitely pick one of these up in the near future. And your new avatar, is like, 

disturbing :wink:

Yes, superb review. Now, I have only one dilemma: C8 or M1 :slight_smile:

Excellent review Johnny. Very detailed and informative.

Looks like the M1 and M2 share similar tailcaps, maybe even the C8. What parts are swappable between the models do you think?
Great review, looking forward to the M2

Love the thorough review. Thx

I just tried to swap the M1 and M2 tailcaps, and they do not interchange. The threads seem to be the same, but the various clearances are different. I just noticed that the M2 has a double O ring at the tail, while the M1 has one.

Got my two M1s today .

Love 'em .

I just received the M1 last night, and I notice an extreme amount of rattling of the lens (or reflector) after re-assembly. I am a newcomer to this hobby, and any advice would be appreciated. The o-ring is still in the bezel, the bezel is screwed on tightly, but there is loud movement of the lens (or perhaps reflector) when moving the flashlight. I only had a few minutes to look at it, but I tried re-assembly of the head a couple times and it rattled each time. Any suggestions on how to address would be extremely appreciated. Thanks!

I think you need to thread the pill (from the battery tube side)up further into the head to seat against the reflector. I think I read about this in this thread, but I might be confusing it with another thread/light.


This is what Johnny wrote in this thread

When assembling the light, insert the reflector, then the lens, o-ring and bezel. Once they are in and snugged down you thread the pill in from the bottom and snug it against the reflector.