[Review] Convoy S21E XHP50.3 HI R9050

I’m just describing the general situation. Of course, there are exceptions, but they are rare.

Interesting UI quirk I found:

If you’re on the stepped mode, with this trick you can get it to start on Low (no matter where you left it when turned off).

  1. Turn off (on any of the 4 stepped levels).
  2. Crack tail cap, then immediately tighten (no waiting required).
  3. Turn on.
    Result: comes on in Low.

If you could advance up from Moon then this trick would be useless, but here we are.

Is there a compelling reason to consider the R70 version of the LED?

Why do you want low CRI?

Better tint and higher output maybe? For some people or in some use cases, color fidelity is not important. Look at the flashlight ownership in the whole world, how much is high CRI? I’m personally a fan but I know I’m in the niche of the niche.

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Between these two, R70 may be more efficient, and the word on streets had been that it even may be easier to look at tint-wise. But I’m not sure what’s true.

I have XHP70.3 HI R70 4000k. It’s a beauty to look at on a wall and has so much output. But the color rendering leaves a lot to be desired tbh. I’d still use it. For it’s purpose, which is an outdoor efficient flood light with decent throw, it does the job just fine.

I have a S21E 3000K R70, and even indoors I barely notice a difference in color rendering compared to a 3500K B35AM… For lights that are primarily for outdoor use, as the S21E imo is, I prefer the efficiency/runtime over color rendering.

In fact I will probably swap it over to a 4000K SFT70 or 50.3HI R70 these days to make it more efficient, and get a second with a B35AM for when I need CRI.

I personally don’t see the point of R9050 Crees. When I just need bright light, an R70 does the job better. When I need good light, they aren’t good enough anyway and I go for a R9080 Nichia or a R95 Luminus.

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