Pretty sure Foy thinks this is a perfect place to advertise an extra extention tube for this light ,,,anyone willing to make parts for lights is always welcome :P
Of course I had to include the comparison between the two C88s but believe it or not; in raw lumens/output, the E1320 version is a little brighter on the Foyometer. I think the Cyclone looks brighter in my pictures because I've somehow got the emitter depth wrong on the MCU, in relation to the reflector and it's killing the spill.
And, yes; this is the perfect place to talk about an extension tube for this bad boy. Would be kinda like a TK41, no?
blinded -
I guess I see the AA battery magazine as a peripheral issue. I might be in the minority however; when deciding which battery section to put the review, I noticed Mr. Admin moved _the_'s Cyclone review to the multiple AA/14500 section. While I have high praise and sincere respect for our leader and, acknowledging that the flashlight itself does in fact say "3AA" on it, I happen to disagree that this is primarily a 3 x AA torch. The Cyclone pulls nearly 2.8 amps with a King Kong and although I got a respectable 1.90 with 3 Eneloops, I can't help but wonder if there aren't more efficient NiMH based flashlights available. Moreover, I think a person buying a Cyclone expecting a long running, high output AA torch will be disappointed.
I agree that the idea of a super bright flashlight that runs on small, non-li batteries is appealing. The truth is however, an XM-L pulling 3 amps needs horsepower, if acceptable run time is to be had.
I honestly believe the choke point with a 3AA battery configuration is the high resistance of the holder. I'm definitely no battery expert, but I do believe a better carrier would still yield to almost as good as a single Li-Ion battery. I remember with 3AAA flashlights, the best performing ones where the Coast LED Lensers and those had excellent 3AAA carriers compared to the regular common cheap ones you get in other 3AAA flashlights. To me the 3AA carrier that this flashlight comes with looks like a larger version of the cheap ones that come with the cheap 3AA flashlights. We need a budget or poor man's version of CPF member mdocod, a guy who makes top notch custom battery carriers:
I've bought carriers from him before when he was just starting out and essentially starting "grand opening" prices, but now @ $28 or more a carrier, I definitely wouldn't put his products in the budget category.
Great review Foy!!! Mine is on it's way I ordered it on 5/2/2012 from Hank at IOS and it's in NY now along with 5-King Kong 26650's Now I'm really excited!! Looks like it throws great... Thank you for the review.
It would be interesting to see how well the AA output compares with the 26650's when you have a good carrier. I guess it's usually academic since it's so much easier to pop in a 26650 anyway, but a lot of folks still don't have them and besides, when I'm backpacking, I prefer only taking one kind of battery with me: AA NIMH.
ace0001a, those are some fantastic looking carriers. $28? Ouch! I might have to build my own inferior model.
P.S. Been geocaching with "Mom" today. We did a neat James Bond cache with clever gadgets you had to use to get the coordinates for the next stage. Fantastic day. I'm bushed. Hope you all had great days, too.
I would say it dissipates heat well. I didn't compare to other lights but both head and body are heating evenly when using on high, see posts #120 and #126
With unprotected 18650 or 26650 you can fully screw the tailcap, not sure about protected.
I wondered how long it would take for somebody to jump on that and your comment is completely justified. I am however, confident in my assessment; the original SMO in the MCU seems too small around the emitter and the emitter seems slightly too far behind the reflector. If I'm wrong, I'll publish it (sourcing another reflector) but the E/C88 is pulling roughly a half amp more and in a ceiling bounce in a dark room, the output between the two is nearly indistinguishable. Obviously I'm not putting my light meter out there as a reliable measurement of lumens.
The same meter, using the same anecdotal test - the Cyclone and the 980L read almost exactly the same.
additional information/possible rant:
I think Boaz had a point; like anybody else, I don't decide to purchase a flashlight because I think I'll hate it. I buy with the hope that I'll love it and as much as I try to rise objectively above my excitement, new owner affection does make it into the dialog. I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing. I've put the Cyclone to use over the last 30 days and it (at least) equals the 980L in output and pretty much blows its doors off in every other respect.
I buy a lot of (too many) flashlights but only a handful rise above as potential game changers. A recent good example would be the JM07. The Crelant V9-T6 is a great flashlight. The X-Power Wildfire is an even greater flashlight and the Shadow VG-20 is an absolutely superb flashlight but none of those three examples are game changers for me. The Cyclone is. It is everything that is good about the JM07 with a larger/deeper reflector. It is as bright as the 980L with nearly double the run time and none of the heat. That a 2.80 amp Cyclone can even be in the same conversation with a 4+ amp fire hazard is telling.
Something I just tried; with a King Kong, the Cyclone measured 150 in the falling evening light in my office. With 3 Eneloops it reads 130. I'll do a run time test and hopefully, my this-is-not-primarily-a-AA-light theory will hold water.
I'd love to hear more on AA (NiMh) runtime. Wouldn't mind hearing about AA alkaline use (since that became a topic of conversation a little while ago and I don't expect much to come from alkaline use). I think this light could be a good option for my co-workers to carry on them underground. (I want to keep them away from Li-Ion cells.) It's this, or make the jump to something like a Jetbeam PA40.
Also, can we get one of your famous beamshots across your pool? I'm looking for a beamshot which shows it's "flood" or "spill" in comparison to its throw.
P.S. I'll probably have to pick this one up for myself anyway, so I'll be cursing your name too! Just think, maybe in the near future manufacturers might add "Foy Approved" to their advertising/packaging!
I updated the review but I'll add it here too . . .
With an unprotected King Kong 26650 (INR) charged to 4.22 volts, my Cyclone ran on high for 1 hour and 30 minutes, with the battery discharged to 3.40 volts.
With 3 fully charged Eneloop AAs, it ran on high for 1 hour and 10 minutes before dropping into low voltage warning mode. (blinking light)