Review: D.Q.G Tiny 26650 II (NW) 2nd generation

Great review!
Are the drivers interchangable between the 2 gens?

I don't know.. I can't take the driver out of gen2.. ring underneath the driver seems to be glued.

Thanks for the review, I like the tiny more than the mini intimidator…I’ve been resisting to buy this for a long time but I promised myself to only buy finished lights in “special occasions”

I dont get this, no cooling fins…

Hello everyone
Great review !!!
I am very interested this flashlight but I have a question. Is the driver has built-in protection against deep discharge of the cell?

The light will cut off at around 3V, so yes, it won't completely drain the battery.

Thank you very much for your reply. Now I just have to think over whether I need another flashlight :wink:

That is a low voltage protection when the light is in use.

Not sure what will happen if you leave an empty battery inside for a long period of time... as I believe it has parasitic drain.. but I don't know much about that.. never thought about it... but most people would charge an empty cell soon anyway.

Update: added some beamshots and comparisons

Anyone every rigged one of these for a bike helmet light?

Anyone able to identify the triple-LED board and the optic?

(I’d like to swap the emitter for something else)

I got an extra one for a different project, just looking to get the 35mm and hoping it fit the 32mm Noctigon board, but it’s a narrow optic pattern with a wide border…same as in this light. I haven’t seen that anywhere else.

I have some triple Carclo’s, I’ll check and see if they fit into this lights board, then you’d know if a standard triple Noctigon could go back in…

Nope. No easy swaps with this light.

I was thinking that would be the case, seems all proprietary….designed and built from scratch.

Sideswitch is now separate.

….thinking about LD-1. :bigsmile:

The LD-1 is not suitable for Triples without adequate heat sinking and relocation of the power supply portion of the driver to a separate board. This, according to led4power.

Btw, just tested the copper PCB. NOT DTP! Swapped the R5 CW’s with Nichia 219B’s.

Thanks for the review!