Run for it Marty!!!

This would be a great light paired with a 46950.

I wonder how much current this light is pushing through the emitter–6951 lumens at turn-on seems unrealistic. Djozz’s test of the SBT90.2 stopped at 20A, and the LED never broke 5300 lumens, and these are bare LED lumens without the 10%-15% loss of the optical system. Assuming the output/current curve is quadratic the LED never breaks around 5500 even at higher currents. Either one of these tests is off, or the SBT90.2 has received a silent upgrade in the meantime.

Your test of the Astrolux EC01X, which uses the same emitter, indicates a turbo of 5100 lumens, and your test of the Amutorch XT70 shows 5200 lumens. These numbers seem more consistent with what djozz has.

I find that figure dubious as well. I’ve never known a Sbt90.2 to break 6000 lm. I’ve tested a few, two in big lights with direct drivers behind 3 Samsung 30Ts. Either this is a new Sbt90 or somethings off with the test equipment. Large reflector lights need large integration devices- sphere or tubes for accurate measurements.

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I got a few less than 6951 but like the K75 it measures a little higher than other brands using SBT90.2

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Thank you for clarifying the situation! It appears that extremely large reflector throwers tend to score higher on lumens, so perhaps Sirstinky’s suspicion is correct.

Can the step down on the GT110 from full turbo be set to anything other than either 3 minutes, or 7 minutes, also, if you turn the thermal regulation off alltogether, and don’t get too carried away with runtime, what are the repercussions ? If step down is set at 7 minutes, does it still drop to 1650 lumens, or shut completely off at the end of the run ? From what I’d heard the battery in the light can be replaced, does anyone know if that’s correct ? I have a K75, and I really enjoy the light, but if this Lumintop can put more light further down range and do it for up to 7 minutes instead of 1.5 minutes, I could easily live with the big step down. In the Flashaholic video the GT110 appears to be considerably brighter than the K75, can anyone else confirm that ?