On your photos of the two lights the head of the E14 II looks more yellowish, like brass. Is Manker saying somewhere that it is copper?
Hm. I love to have the last word but this is a bit scary.
They do not even claim it is copper? So we carry around three times the weight for nothing?
At least it looks good.
What unit are the temperature reading? Tell me it’s no Celsius degrees! :smiling_imp:
I have the full aluminum Astrolux S42 on order… I’m curious to see if it behaves the same on turbo… or how fast it melts.
A batch of these Manker E14 II’s have made their way the the U.S. this week, Wednesday. But with the Blade Show going on in Atlanta, Friday through Sunday. No one has had time to unpack them yet. :weary:
Yeah, gotta confess I like the original way better’n the II.
I alteady have the original E14 with 219C, so I will pass on the new one.
I passed on the first one, because the copper alone was not enough to sway me all on its own. It had a run of the mill lumen count, and we had to purchase a second tube, to run a 18650.
Now this one does it for me. I am not after the usb charging, but it’s a nice perk!