Well said Dale! A review takes a lot of time, specially for those who processes their images one by one after being taken from the camera. None of the stuff I receive to review is worth more than the time I spend to review it, I do it because this is part of the hobby, and I love testing out stuff.
Yep. I agree. The amount of time and effort doing a review? For what most lights cost, it’s less than a few dollars an hour, if that. There are better ways to make money etc. The reviews are done for the good of the community and as a hobby. A free light is just a little carrot for fun. It encourages a review but doesn’t shape it (unlike old Amazon reviews).
Unwarranted and rude!!
Offensive too, as UPz stated.
A review with technical data (honest) and beam, is not advertising, it is information.
Copy technical data of the brand is advertising. But getting your own technical data like here, is information that I appreciate. I know the time and effort that is spent on a quality review.
I like the pics of this, I like the technical values (one of the best integrated sphere that I know), I like the beams….
Great review, thanks UPz. Regulation kills it for me though.
It will be informative to learn what the Low mode lumens will be on the Brass Tool
here is a ReyLight on the Left, and a Worm on the right. The Low on the ReyLight is 1 lumen, and comes first, the Low on the Worm is 3 lumen and comes second.
Just got notice my flashlight shipped. Anyone else got the notice?