Review: Mr.Lite 1xAAA

It can tailstand , but well ? Its a bit unstable due to the design [ lanyard hole ] ...

Thanks very much Matt!

Looks to me like the TW-10 should tailstand better as it has less metal cut out from the base. The AAA will tailstand fine on things like desks and shelves, on less hard and flat surfaces, not so well.

Thank very much Don.

I just now realized that the TW-10 is also a twisty, which I don't like as much. But it's also fairly short, so that's a positive point.

I got this light about a week ago and I've been generally quite happy with it - using a little bit of lithium dielectric grease prevented the twisty from eating the o-ring.

HOWEVER, I will say that if the Mr. Lite KC-05 truly has HA-III level anodizing, I am the Lindbergh baby.

pix gone? (OP)

That pic host was good for about 5 years , then suddenly - gone ....

OP's pix gone?

how do we save pix on blf server? :)

Images are off…Update maybe? Thanks