Brilliant review unknown00101 - a good read. Thank you.
Brilliant review unknown00101 - a good read. Thank you.
Hello Unknown00101,
Thanks for your swift response and the information provided.
I understand now that the 3.6V written on the outside of the Olight cells is not the full charge voltage. I was initially worried that charging a cell stamped with 3.6V at 4.2V would damage it. However, you have put my mind at rest. I have used the C4 charger on the 4.2V setting and 4 hours later (cells partially charged by the earlier charge at 3.6V) the cells were fully charged. I can now access both Turbo modes and am very pleased with the light output!
Thanks again for your help. I really am very grateful.
Luckily, these chargers are smart enough to charge the cells appropriately (to 4.2V). If you have more questions feel free to ask. Iām sure Unknown00101, myself, and many other members are glad to help. Enjoy your amazing light and cheers!