Review: Romisen RC-29 3-mode 1x AA/14500

Thanks Vectrex, good points made! ( Does the RC-G2 tailcap fit on the RC-29 body? well, i like the tail strike bezel. da beautiful haha. )

For geocaching you would need momentary activation, wouldnt you? And you would need a useful spill with a throwy hotspot. Clear case, then the RC-29 is *not* the right torch.

Geocaching is dead serious stuff ( i am a homey so i would know hehe ) and you might want to buy some dead serious illumination gear. Why not spend 15$ on a Klarus P1A from DD (sorry for shilling haha)? It's currently on sale for 28.39$ incl. coupon code (which is almost as good as the Xmas sale). Gather some Dinopoints (it's fun), write a 5stars DD review on ResellerRatings (and receive a 5$ giftcard), and your final paypal deduction will be some 15$ shipped.

The Klarus P1A is some serious shit and probably better suited for your geocaching needs. (The P1A is similar to Fenix LD10, just simpler and cheaper.)