review: Shadow JM30 + budget Modding finished

Great job Max! I would say the slots and holes in the head is an attempt at cooling maybe? The o-ring on the mcpcb board an attempt at sealing out the elements, water, moisture? Worried that the head is a collector of debri? Shallow O.P. reflector too, nah, I’ll pass! Excellent Review! Just Excellent!

How about modding the driver?

That big R500 looks like it…

I ordered a MT-G2 on copper, so this light could make a nice host for it.

I was planning to play with the driver…

but I also want to keep it as budget as possible without buying new stuff.
… in the first step :wink:

how much amps are the maximum for a aluminium star?

Lets compare the heat transfering areas

XM-L2: 2.78*4.78mm = 13.2884mm² for 10W - 1.33mm² per watt
MT-G2: 8.9*6mm = 53,4mm² for 20W - 2,67mm² per watt

So the XM-L(2) has 1/4 of surface per watt - but runs pretty good on aluminum.
I don’t think that it’s problematic to run the MT-G2 with 35 or 40W - But I have a better feeling when the LED is on copper while I overpower it :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know if that method of comparing is even close to reality, though.


yesterday i piggybacked a 1R0 on the R500

but somehow i managed to ground LED- :frowning:
-> so NO modes but DD which gave 6,3 A at the emitter :bigsmile:
still on Aluminium!

i tried that in my budgetlightbox and got 4200 Lumen at start but drop FAST to 2300 due to the heat
(which is immense!!)

i will redo all the work the nest days and aim for about 3,5-4A on Aluminium to keep the mod budget without changing parts.
(for now;))

Awesome stuff M4D M4X, I like how you said for now. :bigsmile:

Thanks for the great review, photos & beamshots.

Hopefully I’ll be able to get one before the coupon expires.

Interesting in the beamshots that the Acebeam on 2800 LM everything is so much clearer, maybe it’s the tint the Acebeam appears to have quite a different tint (warmer?) and better color rendition.

The K40M is amazing. I say this everytime I look at beamshots someone has posted. I need to eventually get one if there is ever a deal on it again. I remember it being around $84? at one point.

I look at you and I see myself a few months ago. I used to look at pictures of the light and of reviews of K40M and drool. I just had to get it so I searched the internetz for the best offer and eventually got it for a good price. Totally worth every penny.

the K40M IS a perfect light!

and pushed a bit it’s even nicer :wink:

I never hear about different tints/bins of MTG2 but in these beamshots there seems to be quite a difference between the tint of this Shadow and the Acebeam. M4D can you confirm? Please report what are you seeing in tint comparison in real life.

I’d like a MTG2 light the size of the Shadow but with the tint of the Acebeam, and 2800 LM on max would be fine for that size.

the acebeam has definitely the nicer tint!

I think it’s a newer Bin also

how do you “push” the K40M?.. resistor mod? :slight_smile:

nice beamshots! :slight_smile:

Nice to see you can put air holes through the head with the reflector exposed without violating O-lights patent. Or is it licensed I wonder. I never actually bothered to read their patent.


my review of the K40M with some numbers

Sounds like you are a good Dad.

Boys can be stupid, it is possible that he likes her and does not know how to express it. Lets hope this was the dumest thing he ever does.

“if only our biggest mistakes could be made as kids”.

The more I look at this light the more I like it. I was suprise how you got 4200 out of the K40M, but good for you!

If the 650/2250 were both doubled this would be a fantastic light! 1300/4500


first of all:
my “Lumens” are taken in my BudgetLightBox (a big white cardboard box ;)) to ensure that from one run to the next the same conditions are granted and my results can be compared…

to the light:

i found a bad solder joint and also that under the R500 sense resistor was a R085 hidden…

at the end i left a R100 piggybacked on the R085 which gave me around 4 A at the emitter 8)
higher Amperes produced a lot more heat - which the aluminium MCPCB can not handle and the lumens collapsed under 2300…

stock 85 650 2250
m4d 85 800 2950*

*falling to 2650 after 30 sec

even with a copper DTP MCPCB i am not sure if the Head can handle 5-6 A so i stay with the actual result

cheap Light
only a R100 and a bit soldering
gives a nice Light close to 3k Lumens

Thanks for the nice review. You make me really want the k40m

I say Ni! to deeper reflectors!

We have enough throwers (I know it’s heresy) but yes we need more usable economical flooders! All hail the MM15 and now the JM30 a flooder for the common man, we have now been lifted out of repression by the Throwers! Rejoice!


and thanks for the great review and code