Review: TrustFire AK-90 12xXM-L T6 3/4x26650 Flashlight

Not familiar with the hyperboost driver. should be interesting.

Quit trying to make me spend money .

You guys are making me crazy over this light and I cant pony up the cash to build one.....

I really dont normally get this excited over an import light, but there are so many places to go with this one. Its almost starting to feel like a build off.

Off topic, housekeeping: How do you post pictures directly on the post?

Courtesy of scaru: Scaru's Extremely Detailed Guide on Adding Pictures :beer:

Thx. For some reasons, I never have the second row of control until I change input format…

Thanks a lot for the review! Frontpage’d and Sticky’d.

Black version
$98.88 free shipping
And it comes with 26650 Flame Batteries! Considering current pricing, this is a great deal.

I bought one from them too, and the finish was perfect. Beautiful HIII matte black ano finish. Shipping was fast. Packaging was really good!

I didnt realize it was a “holy light”, thats definitely worth $100 :wink: And does it really have a cigar grip??? I don’t think Andre the Giant could even use that light cigar style.

I could only cigar grip it if I point it straight down.

Nice find Silverbolt! I like the black finish better, and coming with cells is a good bonus if they are legit.
I also really like the super turbo mode; 130,000 lumens!! They called that mode SOS, but we all know that it’s a real 130klumen turbo mode, right? :smiley:
Edit: The included battery statement conflicts with package contents statement. Any would-be buyers should confirm with the seller before assuming they are included.

Notice: Running on High for long time is not recommended

Okay…if EVER there was a potential host for active cooling… This thing is begging for an internal fan! :smiley: Awesome light, awesome mods.

Bsaed on the version I have, in stock form running on High for long periods would not be a huge problem. There’s adequate heatsinking for the barely 30W of power that the light produces.
After the mods, I’d say the note of short bursts of high is applicable :smiley: Nice and toasty after 5 minutes or so :wink:

Relic, have you thought about de-doming the center four LEDs? They don’t have much reflector anyway, and there would still be the surrounding eight for spill. Seems like a good way to turn it into the ultimate combination throw/spill light.

Actually, I’d dedome the ones with the most reflector. Dedoming adds throw on the premise that more light hits the reflector and gets sent forward.
So, dedoming four alternating emitters in the outer ring might be an interesting idea for increasing the throw. Not sure how the mix of emitter tints would look though…

My good sir, there is but one way to answer that quandry. You have the skills. You have the equipment. :wink:

I thought that the dome on an LED served to diffuse the light into the reflector and throw spill out the front of the cone, and that de-doming caused the LED to fire it’s photons mostly straight-out. And I thought that the tint was a function of the makeup of the diode.

Thanks for the post R86, gives me an idea for my Gold SRK :wink:

The way I understand it, the dome acts to focus light where typical users (lighting fixture manufacturers) want it to go; in an approx. 120 degree emitter beam. Without the dome, light leaving the emitter surface leaves at almost any angle. This results in a virtual 180 degree emitter beam. This widening of the beam means those wider-firing photons head for the reflector, which puts them into the hotspot.
The side-effect of lower overall output has been attributed to reflector loss, since more photons are hitting the reflector, more are being absorbed as well.
I’ve tested a bare emitter before and after dedoming and it lost 64 lumens. In a reflector, before and after it lost almost 250.

Per the below thread by DrJones, the beam pattern of domed vs dedomed is about the same for most emitters. Both have approximately lambertian patterns.

If I understand it correctly, the increase in throw is due to the light at the focal point (dead center of reflector) being more intense.

WOW flashlighthouse ty for the review
I’m evaluating to buy it (also)for fishing(as attractive light) on the night
maybe connecting it a 12v Pb battery bypassing the driver and and regulating the 6S2P at ~19v with that cheap DC-DC boost?

any con on regulate the leds by volt instead of amp?