Review: Ultra Fire UF-980L

Me too, I wouldn't do it. Don't worry, sooner or later, somebody else will find out the hard way. As you mentioned, it's rather a flashlight for experienced users. As soon it comes to the hands of an non flashaholic, we will know.

I just want to get this straight before I do something that can't be undone. Foy was so blown away by my trusty Fluke readings on the demon seed UF-980L he picked one up did a kick ass review causing hundreds of people throughout the world to buy this monstrosity. So I have only one choice and that is to put the demon seed out of it's misery that's right my UF-980L will receive a full metal jacket 7.62x39 right in the head of course then I will then give it a proper burial at sea by chucking off the nearest bridge into the North Atlantic. Besides if Oldie is right and this thing is going to blow up anyways I want it to be on my terms, and then Jim at Manafont can rest easy and not have to worry about sending me a new driver for my cursed light that will probably just burn out again in a another month.

Over and out E

Don't do it E . . . wait just a little longer for the driver and remember how much you liked it before the melt-down! In fact, since it is you that set in motion this Paypal vacuuming chain of events, Jim should at the very least send you a new 980L for your trouble, along with a new driver.

I somehow knew this flashlight was going to be fun.


If you must put it down, I'd suggest a cartridge in keeping with its stature. I would think a .458 Lott or maybe a .416 Taylor would be more appropriate as the 7.62x39 seems a bit under-gunned.

Besides, if you use enough gun, the burial becomes instantaneous and you don't have to worry about getting busted for littering.

As usual very good review Foy, fun to read also.

Look as a Romisen RC-G2 on a pity the pill is so flat otherwise could be an excellent host to mod.

... the Ma-Deuce suddenly coming to my mind...!

that having said, even a properly aimed .22 will quickly bring about any torch to an unpleasant demise...

that's like wanting to hop up a top-fuel dragster. Then again, why not? Also, who said that modifications only have to aim at higher output numbers?

I bet that tailcap switch could somehow be modified to incorporate some QTC. Guess that could also serve as a "rev limiter" of sorts.

I think you didn't catch me, it's the worst flashlight I seen in a long while.

The temperature the body reach is so high that not only affect the flux output, is even beyond the upper limit for LI-ION safety which is around 60C.

The output could be improve discarding this surely damaged emitter , adding mass to the pill to act as buffer (?) and driving the led properly. Maybe 3.5A max .

The heat comming from the die itself which is rosted at around 15W...

The chart arenat posted on this post might help.

That looks to be the exact same light, maybe just not driven as hard?

At the driver ; 3.7V- 3.4V =.3 x 4.5A = 1.35W

4.2 is rest voltage...

I think like arenat says. I don't fear the driver will fry. This would not be so dangerous. I fear the battery might vent, if it goes to hot. Swaping the driver is the solution.

If you're gonna do that, I'll take it off your hands!! As is. I'll fix it. I'm serious-let me know.


You guys have pretty much talked me out of blasting this thing to smithereens. I have a couple NANJG 105Cs kicking around, maybe I will put one in it while I am waiting for Jim at Manafont to take care of the burnt driver issue. You guys have peaked my interest in how bright it would be with a 2.8 amp limit, it is pretty much useless with only the high mode operating.

I like it better, btw. It's 1 cm longer, so reflector should be deeper also. It can tailstand.


You guys have pretty much talked me out of blasting this thing to smithereens.


The hell with that! I want to see it get blasted . I agree with Wiljen though, use more than a 7.62x39. A well placed .338 Lapua Mag would be priceless. Years ago I used to reload my 50bmg with pulled military AP bullits, because that was the cheapest way I could feed it (suprisingly accurate too). At 3100fps they would make a hole through a double stack of manhole covers so clean that it appeared to be line bored. I can only imagine what they would do to a flashlight.

OMG! I would LOVE to see that in action!!

I know I should not say this but, it would be interesting to know what happen if it is let on on high with a freshly charged cell. The emitter would fall apart opening the circuit before it explode ? explode first ? none nada ?

Ya if you’re going to destroy the poor light at least torture test it first for us! Even leave it on on high mode and see what happens;) then we will know how dangerous it can actually be hehe

When I was measuring the exterior temperature, the light was on high for about 15 minutes.

arenat - Try to see this light from a different perspective. The appeal to myself (and apparently many others) is the very fact that it is so ridiculously over driven. (or whatever term is correct) I didn't buy this light because it makes sense and/or is responsibly driven/configured, I bought it specifically because it is not. The reason you think this is "the worst flashlight I seen in a long while" is precisely why so many of us nut jobs like it so much.

And, I must repeat; if you use high for short periods only and use medium (1.25 amps, remember) for everything else, the 980L is a completely functional, high quality flashlight . . . albeit one with the optional ability to roast an occasional chestnut. I'm not defending this torch, rather, I am defending my opinion of it. Most of my waking hours are spent researching, advising, decoding, acquiring, selling old Detroit iron and for me, the car analogy cannot be avoided. Every week I find myself behind the wheel of a rumbling beast that makes absolutely no sense on any level. Yet, that same car is pursued with a fixity of purpose by a relentless posse of buyers, all fighting and clawing over each other for the privilege of paying a price that would buy my home with enough left over for a low mileage Altima too.

Some lights are just fun.
