Review XTAR: WK21 Meteor - A 16340 powered and XM-L based pocket cannon

Here is selfbuilt's review.

Seems like the olight is better than the xtar on cr123.

As ever it depends on how much you want to spend. Your money. Your choice.

I have always found free is better.

I got this light for review as well. I just picked it up today and I must say; this is one hell of a flashlight. It blows the doors off my 4Sevens MiniX 123/XM-L. It can also be configured to any combination of its 5 modes with a drop of solder on the appropriate "contactor."

They sent me the Wk21 and the Wk 26 and I gotta also say that if you thought the XP-E went the way of the dodo bird, wait 'till you see how awesome the Wk26 is. You'd swear it was an XP-G.

I am seriously blown away by these two lights . . .


Excellent. Will you sell me your MiniX for a song then ?

[quote=Flashlight Foy] It can also be configured to any combination of its 5 modes with a drop of solder on the appropriate "contactor." [/quote]

A conductive trace pen also works well, requires no electricity, and is easier to reverse. At Radio Shack (Tandy) and Amazon for ~$20USD. One pen should be enough for roughly 2386 mode swaps. :)

Is your WK26 14500-only? I've seen conflicting early stats online.

Yep, wk21 was one of the most impressive i had plasure to play with. still does.

Chicago -

Yes, 14500 only . . . which kind of surprised me, actually. Still though, killer light.


Quite fascinating since you did not like the older brother very much (the blue booty AA one :D ). I also think it's quite strange being 14500 only. Looking forward for your heretic reviews. :)

I can only guess bit i think you got one with a not so cool tint emitter that impressed you along with that lil' something else that is needed to entice Foy eh?

I really need a better camera... it's not even fun making shots at the reviewed item anymore since they look like they were shot on a 5y old cellular phone with fingerprint coated lenses.

I envy your camera.

Nothing extra enticed me other than it is a completely different light. I only got the two lights and nothing else. They were aware of my last review because they mentioned that I might like this one better when inviting me to review these and asking for my new address.

They knew it was a turd but this thing is a completely different animal. I didn't mean to hijack this thread but I found it interesting as well about the 14500 only aspect. Kinda makes the Wk26 a flashaholic's light since it drops out of regulation at anything under 2.7 volts so, no primaries for this guy.

Anyway, back to the Wk21 - it's kind of cool that the magnet can be removed and the magnet cover replaced. And, that trace pen thing Chicago talked about would be a lot easier to bridge the contacts and get rid of the blinkys.

Also, the tint in your picture is exactly like mine - just a touch too green. Not a deal killer but . . .

Xtar seems to be stepping up their game . . .


The green aura is a POS camera byproduct. It's a shame i cannot get a better beamshot. I don't think photoshopping it would be a good idea either. It does not do the light much justice.

Btw, did you get the thrill upon turining it on high? I was really amazed. Did not expect anything like that from a "measly" 16340. It must be seen to be believed. Words alone can't do it, at least for this one.

I kept the magnet and i find it usefull. I often stick it inside a computer when doing diagnostics or repair. Love the floody beam! For my needs it's perfect. I suspect this one will serve for years to come.

Nonflahshaholic's are extremely impressed and courious when i turn it on in daylight. The only downside at my work i have to be like a xtar PR when doing computer repairs. :P

They mostly ask: Errmm, how the heck is that thing that bright being so small? I say: Easy, plutonium my friend... 1 charge... 20 years. They all laugh but in the end many would like to purchase it on spot (when knowing what it is and how works).

Never had more fun with a flashlight as with this one before. I'm sure you will like it very much.

I simply used a pencil to bridge the contacts on mine, works perfectly. So no soldering or trace pens needed.

This gets me thinking, should I replace my iTP A1? :)

You decide. :) Never had an iTP A1, looks much like the WK20 to me. But i think those two are different beasts. I hardly need a throwy light for a keychain one, you may do.

Aks yourself:

- Does the iTP A1 not do all you need?

- Will you benefit from the features WK21 offer?

Answer that and you have the reason for purchase or not.

However, flashaholic or not if anyone would get a 2 day test run with one... hardly anyone would decide against owning one. In the past i never liked the CR123A/16340 form factor. I changed "religion" just recently. At the price offered i think still qualifies as one of the top contenders and still budget friendly EDC flashlight.

There a plenty of other options, but this is surely one on the shortlist if you like what i wrote about it.

I bet if it was branded 4sevens or nitecore or zebra it will have a much higher price in the market. xtar is going strong lately.

The pencil trick only lasted for about two days in my case, then started skipping groups. I cleaned the contacs, re-did the pencil marks, one day only.

I think a softer pencil (00) would work better, but that's why the trace pen was chosen.

It also works great on the NANJG drivers, to bridge the mode stars.

Probably not going to buy, trying to save for new DRY.

But anyway, I hate the iTP since all it is trying to do is throw with large spill. I find that spot un-useful.

Tint is also R2 bluish...

I left it in my car as backup a while ago.

Same here. Now I only pray to the flashlight gods.

What's the current draw on high Med and Lo?

Thanks for the review and sticky, one of my fav Canadian dealers sells these. I think I’ll pick one up :slight_smile: