[Ripsshine New Product ] 20000lumens HF1,use 46950 battery,Temperature Control Fan,Constant current drive,Big Guy,hehe

Please,Can anyone provide Anduril’s URL?Preparing for sample testing

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This is for the current stable branch: anduril2 : Code : Flashlight Firmware Repository

And this for the current development branch:

Additionally, @Toykeeper (Anduril’s creator and main developer) is very active here in BLF.

Besides, there are many people here (myself humbly included) who know a bit or two about Anduril and would be willing to help, so if you need anything, just holler.

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Man, now I’m getting excited lol

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I’m sorry to say, but 35000lm with 6 XHP50.3 isn’t possible. At best it’ll do something similar to the EC06/Q8 Plus with high quality cells, so about 20000lm at turn on with fully charged cells.

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35k? Maybe with xhp70.3, not 50.3. Even at 6v you’re pushing them to the moon.

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It’s not just a good idea; it’s the law.
(seriously, it’s required by the license)

It does not exist yet.

Anduril is an open-source program which supports many different lights, but it does not support the new Ripsshine light yet because the light doesn’t exist yet and no Ripsshine code has been written yet.

Adding support mostly involves writing a hwdef file or two, and a cfg file, to define the hardware and software configuration.

The “open-source” thing means the source code is available and must remain available. Anyone who distributes a compiled version of it (by selling flashlights, for example) must also make sure the matching source code is published under the same open-source license, and also put a prominent notice somewhere that it uses open-source software.

Usually this means collaborating with me or with someone else in the community, to get changes merged upstream into the main code repository. Also, it usually involves adding a short message in the product manual and product web page, with a link to the code.

… and for practical purposes, it is also very strongly recommended to include easily accessible firmware flashing pads on the circuit board. The code gets frequent updates, and end users will want to update or modify the code after purchase. Flashing pads allow that to happen.

Anyway, there is no URL to download yet. The code must be written first. And before that, the driver circuit needs to be designed.

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Yes, through the equipment testing prototype, the limit of six XHP50 lamp beads is around 20,000 lumens.I took it with me while diving last week and did a damage test in sea water. :joy: :joy:Please,If want to reach 35000 lumens, what suggestions do you have?

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oh,niceeeeee!!Thank you so much for the link and guidance. I’ll pass it on to software engineering

I am looking forward too :grin:But it takes some time, hardware, software, and our first contact with Anduril

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Your arrival and reply are welcome,I received and forwarded your reply to the software engineer. I am trying my best to learn about software knowledge, but professional matters still need to be left to professionals, hehe. I will be online again when I have feedback

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I would recommend using XHP70.3HI and a boost driver, similar to the Acebeam X50 and X75.

Each emitter is easily capable of over 5000 lumens while remaining somewhat efficient.

Here is a test of an earlier version (the XHP70.2) done by fellow community member Texas Ace:

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To hit your 35,000 lumen goal you’ll need 7-8 XHP70.2’s running at about 250-275 watts. Very much possible with the 46950 or 46110 batteries. Boost driver is a must. Other LED’s might do it with only 3 or 4.

More like 300~320W for OTF lumens, this is a lot of power for a single cell boost driver.
The X75 uses a dual phases boost driver with 4S input, but its performance can’t be compared to a single cell boost driver since it needs to handle much less current for the same power vs a single cell one, thus it’s capable of much more power and higher efficiency.

This is a single phase high power boost driver I made previously (X75 uses the same boost controller but in dual phases version) : Thefreeman high power/efficiency driver development. Update : SP36 130W boost driver - #16 by thefreeman
And while I can reach about 135W with it it’s a bit excessive with nearly 50A input at 3Vin, a dual phase with a more reasonable 30A limit per phase would do ~240W at 4Vin and 180W at 3Vin, short of the 300W target. Not that a 3 or 4 phases driver is impossible, but we’re talking about a 75~90A input boost driver here, that’s really, really high where every mΩ generate 5.5-8W of power losses. Also quite expensive both in design and manufacturing cost.

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2S with 2x4640 (80mm long) or 2x4660 (120mm long) would basically allow to provide double the power, 240-180W (8V-6V) single phase, 480-360W dual phase.

Not sure how much it’ll do in direct drive but it should significantly increase the output as well, and it allows using 6V XHPs.

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Keep in mind Texas Ace testing of the XHP70.2 was done a long time ago before he was using calibrated equipment. The lumen output in this test is about 30% higher than actual. Also keep in mind when used in a flashlight, there are probably 15% output lost through the lens. So even with 6 XHP70.3 HI, it needs to be pushed quite hard, which requires a high amp battery and good driver.

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I am interested in the boost driver +fet turbo. Turbo is for moonlight?

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The Lumintop pk21 i tested had a single, direct drive xhp70.3 HI (2S) and hit over 8000 lumens at turn on. It took something like 25 amps? That’s chooching along nice for about 5 seconds. So yes, it’s possible, but you need serious batteries and basically direct drive.

Agreed RIP-SHINE ftw

Funny you should mention that brand… I came across a light on Ali the other day which someone came on here asking advice about making (for the life of me I can’t find it now) but it had a fidget spinner on it…who knew it was an actual manufacturer lol!

Yes, we are a new brand, but we were mainly OEMs before, so not many people know about us.