Thank you for the review.
Would you mind having a beam shot comparison? Just curious how much rosy of this SST-20. I have a couple of 4000k-5000k and 6500k SST-20 but none of them are rosy. :person_facepalming:
It’s not rosy but it might appear as such next to higher Duv light. Most indoor and ambient light is above BBL in most peoples houses so by comparison this light very near to BBL is pleasing tint but not this overly rosy sw45k look people chase.
I snagged one of these after seeing this thread. Mine only looks rosy next to something with a green tint, next to a couple Nichia’s it looks dead neutral. Very happy with it, neat little light and great tint.
Yeah, I have updated it to “rosy(ish)” because of all these comments and because my initial impression of “The “corona” portion is yellowish, so it averages out to about a neutral beam tint.” is probably the most accurate description in my original post.
I can’t measure the duv myself since I don’t have the capability, but based on my comparisons with other lights I have, I am thinking mine drops below the BBL on the highest modes, so, I’m gonna stick with “ish”. I certainly appreciate people with real measurements to show I’m not TOTALLY off, and mine being below the BBL on higher modes isn’t unrealistic.
Thank you for all the real measurements and feedback!
So without any confirmation from Manker we don’t know for sure, but would it be safe to assume these are probably FA3 bin? Considering there hasn’t been much reports of anyone getting a green tinted one?
It’s not about averaging out. The light is right on or under the BBL in most modes (minus 10440 turbo, it drops a bit more there). However, right on or under the BBL is not what some people want when they say ‘rosy’ they want significantly under BBL. There’s no doubt this is one of the best bins of SST-20 we have seen and anyone who isn’t 219b sw45k religion would probably appreciate it.
If you want to split hairs I could probably leave mine running on high for a few minutes and measure all modes “under” BBL.
Yeah, when I say “averaging out” I’m just describing what it looks like to me visually, so probably not the best way to word it. Either way it’s a great tint and I’m very happy with it. I’m glad others are having the same experience.