S2+ hot rod?

I originally ordered a 20mm mcpcb with an XP L2 HD on it and a Sofirn C8a driver to mod a C8 I have. The mcpcb turned out to be only 16mm somehow . Now I am wondering if I should put these in a S2+ . The driver steps down after 3 minutes . Is 3 minutes too long for this size light? I’m worried it will overheat. Is this a good idea or should I just transfer the emitter to a 20mm star and stick to my original idea? I am new to modding so thanks to any suggestions.

The c8 is a fantastic light and can dissipate heat very well.
5+ Amp continuously without problems.


An S2+ will get hot quite quick if you are running high amps (4+), but stepdown after 3 minutes will reduce heat effectively

I do wonder what driver will be in the S2+. If it is a direct driver, considering the extreme low Vf of the XP-L2, you can easily get over 8A and then 3 minutes may be too long.

It will be the direct drive Sofirn C8A driver. What about the XP L2 Hd and the original Convoy 6x7135 driver ? Much improvement over XML2 or not worth the change?

Can the heat be controlled by using a 18650 ga and not bypassing the springs?

I have a S2+ with xpl2 and DD, i will do a quick and dirty test for you



after 5 minites it was 47,3 degC, but it stepped down from turbo after 40 seconds or so with the A6 driver

Did not measure cell voltage, guessing 4V

Way too hot fast . I think the 3 min. step down is way too long . I guess I will have to get a 20mm board and transfer the emitter from the 16mm board and put it in a C8 as I originally planned . Thanks.

Is it feasible to put a 16mm star in a 20mm head? I can see centering issues , possibly less heat transfer?

I have a 16mm mcpcb in a 20mm head (Saik 305), centering gasket takes care of it and there are no issues I can see. It is a DTP board.

Centering and heat transfer shouldn’t be a problem. The problem with this set-up is the reflector potentially touching the soldered leads on the MCPCB and shorting the battery. Make your solder joints as low as possible and check for shorts before connecting the battery.

Good points. I did not think of the reflector touching the solder joints.