S2+ Tri LED mod, what parts to use

How much do the E2Ls go for? Whole or as a host?

I know S2+es used to be cheap as dirt, 8bux for a whole one at times (1B tint, though :confounded: ).

Plus, the different colors, shorty tubes, etc., make S2+es hella easy to customise.

The E2L’s hosts are more expensive, 18 or so. I think they lego with the convoy threads, so an 18350 would be nice, they come with a shelf and a nice SS bezel,so no need for additional pills and whatsoever, which make them shorter and very light.
You should message them to ask for one, they often close it on AE.

Thanks Lightbringer, I realized that after I researched the LED some more. Any idea on why the LED stopped working then?

Turns on if you press down on it?

No sir,they were both very tight.

Just one of those head scratching anomalies to smile about and move on.