Sailing around the world need a distance safety light

Firstly, bon voyage!

I’m not a sailor so have no experience of the situations you encounter but that sounds like 2 different requirements to me, one requiring a a focused beam that covers a lot of distance with minimal spill to avoid reflections from the water, and the other a wider beam to illuminate as much as possible in a couple of hundred metres in front of the boat.
Does that sound right?
For spotting objects on the shoreline, what kind of distance do you need?
I was thinking a fixed aspheric might be more suitable than a reflector light, or a LEP like this:

but the beam might be too narrow to be able to easily identify landmarks.

Edit:- Actually, the Acebeam W30 has more throw and is advertised with being waterproof up to 100m.
You can clearly see how narrow the beam is in this review: [Review] Acebeam W30 LEP 21700 flashlight