Sailing around the world need a distance safety light

Acebeam claims the W30 4000K has better penetration in rain and snow. I’m going to assume that it’s a whole lot better in fog also or any type of moisture in the air. I’m not sure how they are measuring the 4000k but it doesn’t look like any other 4000k light out there. I think most would assume it’s down in the 2000+k range. Yellow is the best description. But still best for penetrating moisture in the air. Edit it is possible that acebeam did not write the copy here on sorry the link doesn’t work



Just do it the easy way…

The 4000K is probably yellow because DUV is far above the BBL. It is nasty piss yellow. I rather have a 2000K on the BBL light than a 4000K with extreme positive DUV. Also I think it is the CCT that matters regarding being able to penetrate fog. So even though it is yellow light, 4000K is still 4000K.