Sale at BestInOne (powerwholesale)

I asked them how much it would cost for 10x 18650 IMR cells and they responded reasonably fast. They recommended me their site for low volume purchases and added that they could do something for 50 pcs and more.

Using, I were sceptical about that canceled status of my order and contacted them instantly. They responded in hours at that time too. Still not a bad price for decent IMR cells but I wish I had bought more while I could.

And you complain that they haven't sent you flashlights for $0 bucks? lol :bigsmile:

You are rite. Just don't care for the things that they do to get people to visit their site. I also want my hour of life back. I hope I don't seem to harsh towrds them. Just kinda PO about the time wasted on best-in-none/ Power-No-Sale. I E-mailed them after my order was cancled and told them that I would still like the normal priced flashlight I had in my cart Brinyte C5 $30 but they never responded.

Oh well. life goes on.

Yeah it's bloody stupid they don't even have that on the site you can (but wont) buy things from.

Hope ya did'nt spend too much time searching for this.

Haha, what's worse is I know I even searched for just "Brinyte" and still some how missed it :P