Maybe it can also be found somewhere here on BLF. I didn’t check yet.
To answer your questions with my personal opinion:
Samsung‘s 50S or Vapcell’s T50 outperforms any other battery (even 30T and 40T) unless you are a „lumen hunter“ who strives to get the maximum turn-on lumens of FET lights in the first 1-5 seconds on Turbo. In that case, better use the 30T.
It is probably the best compromise in terms of high current sustainability and runtime.
The Noctigon K1 SBT90.2 probably uses 19-22A peak current - the 50S/T50 can handle this current pretty well.
Vapcell has got a good reputation for selling quality cells rewrapped in their own shrink wrap. IIRC, the T50 was tested by Tom E and toobadorz and both members were pretty satisfied with the performance results. Hopefully, HKJ will soon chime in with his review.
thanks for taking the time to type all that! So I think I might replace all my 21700 cells with 50S’s, unless… there is an even better 21700 coming out soon?
The T50 sounds like a great fit for my Noctigon 9.3s too
Isn’t it amazing how this technology is progressing? I still remember when NiMh rechargeables came out and being so amazed by not having to buy new batteries every time one was dead
Anytime, Photon Master. :-) I don’t expect to see anything better in terms of high drain than Samsung’s 50S anytime soon. It’s more likely that competitors catch up with its great performance. Maybe Molicel can at some point release a P50A, who knows. I wonder why LG Chemicals, Murata/Sony as well as Sanyo/Panasonic do not offer any real competition here.
Hopefully, there will be some progress in capacity, though. If they somehow managed to squeeze 6000 or 7000mAh out of a 21700 cell, wouldn’t that be awesome, too?
For now, I do NOT recommend buying the 50S in large amounts for it is way too expensive. I paid about $ 12 for one battery only. For comparison, NKON sells the 30T for € 3.45 per each.
Thanks Lux so tempting (: I have six 30T’s and three 50S’s which are good for my 9.3 home lights. I have my 2000K E21A running for hours a day.
So I bought a Graphene power bank a few months ago and it’s rather amazing. It holds 20,000 mah and recharges from zero to 100% in like 45 minutes. It outputs 100 watts which is enough to run my HP laptop
Hi! As I’ve mentioned earlier in this thread, LG has the INR21700H50, 5000 mAh, which is rated at 25A, according to Vapcell’s Facebook account.
Hi! How do you know? Do you have a link or something?
I mean the cell inside that Acebeam battery, in the video I posted, is a M50 which is also a quite good cell. So maybe, probably, it isn’t too bad for a protected battery with USB charging, but it’s neither a 5100 mAh nor a 20A cell.
Most of us know that some crap-fire batteries marketed as 10 000 mAh should be avoided. Acebeam, Nitecore and the likes do not offer crappy batteries like that, but this is just another example of them not really being trustworthy and I hate that.
Haha yeah. My buddy asked for advice on getting a flashlight (don’t you love that?) and after I have him some ideas (i.e. Emisar D18), he sends this link for a little 90,000 lumen flashlight from Amazon for $20
Meanwhile I went out for a walk with my Imalent MS18 tonight and the thing is massive and… $600
I had an interesting talk with Vapcell yesterday. It seems Vapcell is one (or maybe even the one and only) exclusive reseller of this powerful Samsung 50S battery. Samsung is apparently forbidding direct distribution of its 50S battery, i.e. it will probably not appear as bare battery like 30T or 40T in known battery retailer shops. :-( Since all Samsung batteries can be traced back by their serial number it would be a bad idea for a retailer to illegally sell the naked battery to customers, facing severe consequences in their business relationship. Let's hope Samsung will change their mind eventually.
I also hoped LG Chemicals new H50 battery to be a direct competitor to Samsung's 50S battery. According to Vapcell the H50 turned out to be as good as Samsung's 50G but not as good as the 50S. (picture borrowed from
Yeah but I mean, Vapcell is obviously biased toward themselves. IFAIK Samsung and others have always forbidden direct sale of cells, but maybe they put more effort into preventing that since the LG exploding cells thing early 2020. I noticed that recently Nkon added the 50G and they are not with the original wrap (yet are sold and appear as new), they probably had to find alternative sources for them (when I contacted them in September they couldn’t find any source for them), hopefully the will be able to find alternative source for the 50S too.